
prurient adj.1.好色的。2.〔罕用語〕渴想的。3.(枝、芽等...


For this reason , i concluded the picture appeals only to prurient interests . . 基于這個原因,我得出結論該影片只是為了迎合好色之徒. .

For this reason , i conciuded the picture appeais oniy to prurient interests . . 基于這個原因,我得出結論該影片只是為了迎合好色之徒. .

For this reason , i concluded the picture appeals only to prurient interests 基于這個原因,我得出結論該影片只是為了迎合好色之徒

For this reason , i conciuded the picture appeais oniy to prurient interests 基于這個原因,我得出結論該影片只是為了迎合好色之徒

He showed a prurient interest in the details of the rape case 他對那樁強奸案的細節津津樂道

She showed a prurient interest in the details of the rape case 她對那強奸案的細節津津樂道