prow n.船首,舳;飛機頭部;〔詩〕船。
n. 船首,舳;飛機頭部;〔詩〕船。 adj. 〔古語〕英勇的,威風凜凜的。 “bow, prow“ 中文翻譯: 船首“hinged prow“ 中文翻譯: 鉸接首門“hinged discharging prow“ 中文翻譯: 鉸接卸載首門“hinged landing prow“ 中文翻譯: 鉸接登岸首門“prowans“ 中文翻譯: 普羅萬斯“provvisionato“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維肖納托“prowazek body“ 中文翻譯: 普羅瓦茲克小體“provvidera“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維代拉“prowazek inclusion body“ 中文翻譯: 普羅瓦茲克小體“provvidenza“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維登扎“prowazek-greeff bodies“ 中文翻譯: 普-格二氏小體, 沙眼小體“provvidenti“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維登蒂“prowazek-halberstaedter bodies“ 中文翻譯: 普-哈二氏小體, 沙眼小體“provvedi“ 中文翻譯: 普羅韋迪
prowess |
Napoleon is represented to us as the leader in all this movement , just as the figurehead in the prow of a ship to the savage seems the force that guides the ship on its course . napoleon in his activity all this time was like a child , sitting in a carriage , pulling the straps within it , and fancying he is moving it along 我們曾經認為,拿破侖是整個這次運動中的領袖正是同一個野蠻人認為雕在船頭的神像是駕駛這條船的力量一樣,而拿破侖在他活動的整個時期就像一個小孩,他抓住拴在車內的帶子,自己以為是他自己在趕車。 |
From the windows at the prow , where i went for a breath of air a little before dawn , the lights of the fishing boats floated like stars in the water 我走到船首的窗口,想吸一口黎明前的新鮮空氣,我看見水面上漁船的燈光漂浮著,好像星星一樣。 |
The bird shows how to rig and trim the sails , and what form to give to the prow that it may balance the boat , and divide the air and water best 鳥,告知了如何裝配和使用船帆,怎樣的船首才能保持船身的平衡且最好地減少水和空氣的阻力。 |
She was coming out of marseilles harbor , and was standing out to sea rapidly , her sharp prow cleaving through the waves 它從馬賽港出發向海外疾駛,它那尖尖的船頭正破浪而來。 |
And there were wishes here , but never more than fit between prow and stern 這里也有欲望,但不會虛妄到超出船頭和船尾。 |
The prow of the motor - boat cut through the water like a knife 汽艇的船頭像一把刀子劈開水面向前行駛。 |
Jack yelled with open arms on the prow 杰克站在船頭振臂高呼。 |
He stands on the prow looking at the sea 他站在船首看著大海。 |
But never more than fit between prow and stern 但范圍離不開船頭與船尾之間。 |
He saw his galleys rammed by the sharp prows of other galleys; his fighting-men shot down; his ships boarded . 他看見自己的軍艦被敵艦的尖銳船頭所撞擊;看見他的戰士被射死;他的船只被登占了。 |
David and lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water . 大衛和露西坐在漁船船頭,凝望著煙波浩淼的水面。 |