provost n.1.〔英國〕(牛津劍橋等大學某些學院的)院長;〔美國...
n. 1.〔英國〕(牛津劍橋等大學某些學院的)院長;〔美國〕教務長。 2.【歷史】大教堂主監;修道院長;宗教團體首領。 3.〔蘇格蘭語〕 市長。 4.(德國城市新教教會的)牧師。 5.【軍事】憲兵 “head provost“ 中文翻譯: 糾察組主任“jet provost“ 中文翻譯: 噴氣大教堂“lord provost“ 中文翻譯: (愛丁堡等都市的市長)。 “provost branch“ 中文翻譯: 糾察組“provost court“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵法庭。 “provost guard“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵糾察隊“provost marshal“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵司令。 “provost marshall“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵主任“provost sergeant“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵軍士。 “air provost marshal“ 中文翻譯: 空軍憲兵司令“oc cd provost unit“ 中文翻譯: 民防糾察組主任“provost marshal department“ 中文翻譯: 憲兵司令部。 “provost血型抗體“ 中文翻譯: blood group antibody le provost“provost血型抗原“ 中文翻譯: blood group antigen le provost“senior provost officer“ 中文翻譯: 高級糾察員“blood group antibody le provost“ 中文翻譯: le provost血型抗體; provost血型抗體“blood group antigen le provost“ 中文翻譯: le provost血型抗原; provost血型抗原“fk feldkommandant field provost marshal“ 中文翻譯: 野戰憲兵指揮“le provost血型抗體“ 中文翻譯: blood group antibody le provost“le provost血型抗原“ 中文翻譯: blood group antigen le provost“ok ortskommandant local provost marshal“ 中文翻譯: 地方保安司令“provorov“ 中文翻譯: 普羅沃羅夫“provorny“ 中文翻譯: 伶俐“provoost“ 中文翻譯: 普羅沃斯特“provolone cheese“ 中文翻譯: 意大利波蘿伏洛干酪; 意大利波羅伏洛干酪〔一種柔軟的梨形干酪“provolone“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔意大利語〕 意大利熏干酪〔一種硬的淺色干酪,梨形,通常用煙熏制成〕。
provost court |
Currently , guidelines for this new scholarship program are being developed in hopes of announcing the first wdl scholar during the fall semester this scholarship program will reside in the newly named office for international programs and services under the direction of the provost ( and associate dean of the center for academic programs and services ) 目前這項新的獎學金項目有希望在秋季學期提供第一筆wdl獎學金.此項目將由新命名的國際項目和服務機構的主管方(學術項目和服務機構的中心主任)直接管理。 |
By the provost s wall came jauntily blazes boylan , stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the refrain of my girl s a yorkshire girl . blazes boylan presented to the leaders skyblue frontlets and high action a skyblue tie , a widebrimmed straw hat at a rakish angle and a suit of indigo serge 先導馬綴著天藍色額飾,一副趾高氣揚的樣子布萊澤斯博伊蘭則向它們夸示自己這條天藍色領帶這頂放蕩地歪戴著的寬檐草帽和身上穿的這套靛青色嗶嘰衣服。 |
A worthy man is gilles lecornu , brother to master jehan lecornu , provost of the royal palais , son of master mahiet lecornu , head keeper of the forest of vincennes , all good citizens of paris , married every one of them from father to son 尊敬的吉爾?勒科尼,是御膳總管約翰?勒科尼公的兄弟,樊尚林苑首席守林官馬伊埃?勒科尼公的兒子,個個都是巴黎的市民,從父到子,個個都是成了家的。 ” |
N . b . s is the associate xx ( provost ) and director of undergraduate admissions . she says she had received emails and notes from some students who say they want to be part of the virginia tech now and more than ever 是教務主任和大學招生負責人,她說她已經收到了一些學生的電子郵件和信件聲稱他們想馬上并且永遠得離開v .理工大學 |
Four sergeants of the provost of the palais ? the appointed superintendents of all popular holidays , whether festivals or executions ? stood on duty at the four corners of the marble table 司法宮典吏的四名捕頭,凡是節日或行刑之日,都不得不看管恣意行樂的民眾,這時正分立在大理石桌子的四角。 |
Ms rice said she planned to return to academic life . before she became national security adviser during president bush ' s first term , she was provost at stanford university in california 賴斯說她曾打算回到學術界。在布什第一任期內成為國家安全顧問之前,她擔任過加州斯坦福大學的教務長。 |
Subscriber trunk dialling ( std ) is inaugurated in the uk by queen elizabeth ii when she speaks to the lord provost in a call from bristol to edinburgh 1958年用戶長途直撥( std )系統由英國由女王伊麗莎白二世舉行開機典禮,她在一個從布里斯托爾到愛丁堡的長途撥叫中與對方城市的市長通話。 |
And i see my national security adviser , ms . codoleezza rice , who once was the provost of stanford university , so she is comfortable on the university campuses such as this 我也看到了我的國家安全顧問康多莉薩.賴斯女士,她曾經是斯坦福大學的校長,因此她回到校園是再合適不過了。 |
“ the level of national interest we see in foreign languages has not been there since sputnik , “ said ray clifford , provost for the army ' s defense language institute 陸軍防衛語言機構的教務長雷?克利福說: “自從史波尼克號事件后,我們對外國語言的關注從來沒這么高過。 ” |
And i see my national security adviser , ms . condoleezza rice , who at one time was the provost of stanford university , so she ' s comfortable on university campuses such as this 我也看到我的助理賴斯女士,她曾經是斯德莫大學的校長,因此她回到校園是最適合不過的了。 |
In 1966 , he resigned from the position of provost at mit to return to more intensive research , particularly in the fields of quantum electronics and astronomy 一九六六年,湯斯教授為專注于量子電子學及天文學方面的研究,辭去麻省理工學院副校長一職。 |
In 1961 , professor townes was appointed provost and professor of physics at the massachusetts institute of technology , where he later became institute professor 一九六一年,麻省理工學院委任他為學務副校長及物理學講座教授,之后升為學院教授。 |
The reverend t . salmon , d . d . , provost of trinity college , dr alexander j . dowie . at the bar , english or irish : exemplars , seymour bushe , k . c . , 典范為:耶穌會會長十分可敬的約翰康米神父可敬的三一學院院長t薩蒙神學博士亞歷山大約道維博士137 。 |
“ give us the mystery at once , ” continued the scholar , “ or it ' s my advice we hang the provost of the palais by way of both comedy and morality “馬上給我們演圣跡劇,否則,我主張把司法宮典吏吊死,作為喜劇和寓意劇。 ”風車又說道。 |
On the other hand , by the arrangements of monsieur the provost , the mystery was to last from noon till four o ' clock , and they were obliged to say something 只是府尹大人有令,圣跡劇必須從正午演到下午四點鐘,所以總得說點什么。 |
A member of the mit faculty since 1975 , professor clay served as associate provost in the office of the provost from 1994 to 2001 克雷教授于1975年開始在麻省理工學院任教,在1994 2001年間擔任副教務長。 |
Applause . ) and i see my national security advisor , ms . condoleezza rice , who at one time was the provost at stanford university (掌聲)我的國家安全事務助理康多莉扎?賴斯女士也在這里。 |
Norrine bailey spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions 諾琳?貝利?斯潘塞是助理行政人員兼本科生招生負責人。 |
Norrine bailey spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions 勞瑞拉貝雷斯賓塞是負責本科招生的協理主任。 |