
provoke vt.1.觸怒,使憤怒,激怒。2.成為…的原因,引起。3...


It was experiencing a spasm of virtuous reaction, quite as lawless and ungovernable as any of the acts that had provoked it . 現在反過來正掀起了一種推行道德的運動,和挑起它的任何事件一樣他毫無法紀約束不住。

This provoked the boston tea party incidents, which was one of the factors that eventually touched off the war of independence . 從而挑起了波士頓茶黨案事件,這一事件成為最終觸發獨立戰爭的因素之一。

Threats of japanese conquest had provoked great demonstrations of the people, especially among the enraged youth . 日本征服的威脅,在人民中間,特別是在憤怒的青年中間,激起了盛大的示威抗議。

Threats of japanese conquest had provoked great demonstrations of the people, especially among the enraged youth . 日本征服的危脅,在人民中間,特別是在憤怒的青年中間,激起了盛大的示威抗議。

A case in point was the controversy provoked by the agitation for full and immediate payment of the so-called bonus . 一個恰當的例子,是由爭取全部和立即支付所謂退役金的鼓動所挑起的爭論。

All agencies that provoke change and all that retard it can be described as “good“ or “bad“ respectively . 一切促進變化和一切妨礙變化的力量都可以分別稱為“好”的或“壞”的。

Japanese exports continue to invade new markets the world over, provoking renewed cries for protection . 日本的出口商品不斷涌入世界各地新的市場,迫使人們再次呼吁采取保護。

Mrs. worris asked sir thomas to have a basin of soup for several times, but he could not be provoked . 諾利斯太太好幾次讓他喝碗湯,可托馬斯爵士卻無動于衷。

A provoking thing about edvig was that he behaved as if he were the one with all the news . 埃德維格最惹人惱火的地方,是他那仿佛事事無所不知的神氣。

It no longer provoked and gave point to outrage as it had done in the summer . 它也不再象夏天那樣刺激我,使我有心思去干些搗亂的事情了。

This provoked a furious row, and cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots . 這一點引起了激烈的爭吵。卡明指責我狂妄自大。

While this letter provoked speculation, it did not arouse any suspicions . 雖然這封信引起了一些揣測,但并沒有引起任何懷疑。

They all agreed again and again how provoking it was to be so disappointed . 大家異口同聲地訴說著這種失望是多么令人懊惱。

He was aware, more than ever, of the provoking woman-child quality . 他格外感覺到她那種誘人的又象少婦、又象孩子的魅力。

Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos . 觸覺和聽覺的刺激可誘使病牛驚厥和角弓反張。

The examination provoked the same original remark in regard to the child . 一端詳又勾起了剛才說那個孩子的話。

Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos . 觸覺和聽覺的刺激可誘發驚厥和角弓反張。

As for the civil station itself it provokes no emotion . 說到那個政府供職人員的住宅區,也沒有什么驚人之處

This form of recall provoked strenuous opposition from conservatives . 罷免權的使用激起保守派的強烈反對。