
provocateur n.〔法語〕 (fem. -trice ) 坐探,奸細,...


An artistic highlight every year in vienna is the wiener festwochen vienna festival weeks , may 12 to june 18 , which offers mozart in every form , from concerts at the fabled musikverein which boasts one of the best acoustics in europe to peter sellars , the perpetual provocateur , directing the unfinished opera “ zaide “ may 21 to 27 維也納每年的藝術亮點還有維也納藝術節。今年的藝術節期間,從維也納音樂之友協會大廈舉行的音樂會,到彼得塞拉斯根據莫扎特未完成的歌劇扎伊德改編的同名之作,藝術家們將不遺余力地以各種形式上演莫扎特的作品。

The enochian knowledge suggests these regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur , to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase prior to exodus from the womb planet 伊諾克的知識讓人想去這些經常的大洪水變化擔當了一進化的密探,加速居住生命形態到下一個領先從發源地行星離去的進化的階段。

My provocateur wouid have to think iike them 我被刺激去和他們想一般的事

My provocateur would have to think like them 我的奸細必須很他們想得一樣