proviso n.(pl. -sos, -soes) 附帶條款,附文;...
n. (pl. -sos, -soes) 附帶條款,附文;條件,但書,限制性條款。 I make it a proviso that... 以…為附帶條件。 with the [a] proviso that... 以…為條件。 “the proviso“ 中文翻譯: 定條件“with proviso“ 中文翻譯: 附有條件“lockean proviso“ 中文翻譯: 洛克式但書“proviso clause“ 中文翻譯: 保留條款; 限制性條款“provisos proviso“ 中文翻譯: 的復數“special proviso“ 中文翻譯: 特別但書“wilmot proviso“ 中文翻譯: 威爾莫特但書; 韋慕特但書“exchange proviso clause“ 中文翻譯: 外匯保留條款; 外匯保值條款“gold proviso clause“ 中文翻譯: 黃金保留條款; 黃金保值條款“proviso terms by hard currency“ 中文翻譯: 硬通貨保值“provisions storeroom“ 中文翻譯: 食品貯存庫“provisions store“ 中文翻譯: 食品儲存庫“provisonal planting“ 中文翻譯: 假植“provisions shop“ 中文翻譯: 食品商店“provisor“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.伙食采辦者。 2.【宗教】(尤其指未出缺的)圣職的被委任者。 3.【天主教】副主教,代理主教。 “provisions room“ 中文翻譯: 糧食貯藏室“provisory“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.有附文的;有附帶條件的。 2.臨時的,暫定的。 a provisory clause 附文;附帶條款;限制性條款,保留條款。 “provisions refrigerating plant“ 中文翻譯: 食品用制冷裝置
provisor |
Proposal 41 stated that rules “ conferring express powers on the court to case manage trials , including powers to exclude otherwise admissible evidence and to limit cross - examination and submissions by counsel should be adopted , with the proviso that the exercise of such powers was subject to the parties entitlement to receive a fair trial and a reasonable opportunity to lead evidence , cross - examine and make submissions “ 建議41指出訂定規則,使法庭有明確的權力管理案件的審訊過程。法庭有權拒絕接納本可接納的證據,及局限大律師盤問和陳詞的范圍。但法庭運用這些權力的同時,不能影響訴訟各方得到公平審訊的權利,以及他們舉證盤問證人和作出陳詞的合理機會。 |
Article 6 where the building lot for a building and connected facilities in a hot spring area is subject to restriction in regard to the gradient of slope of land on which building development is not permitted , the city / county ( municipal ) government with due jurisdiction shall consider the particular characteristics of the hot spring area ? s development in setting other criteria for review in accordance with the proviso to article 262 , paragraph 3 of the building design and construction section of the building technical regulations 溫泉區建筑物及相關設施之建筑基地,受山坡地坡度陡峭不得開發建筑之限制者,直轄市、縣(市)政府應考量溫泉區發展特性,依建筑技術規則建筑設計施工編第二百六十二條第三項但書規定,另定規定審查。 |
Proposal 41 stated that rules “ conferring express powers on the court to case manage trials , including powers to exclude otherwise admissible evidence and to limit cross - examination and submissions by counsel should be adopted , with the proviso that the exercise of such powers was subject to the parties entitlement to receive a fair trial and a reasonable opportunity to lead evidence , cross - examine and make submissions “ 建議41指出訂定規則,使法庭有明確的權力管理案件的審訊過程。法庭有權拒絕接納本可接納的證據,及局限大律師盤問和陳詞的范圍。但法庭運用這些權力的同時,不能影響訴訟各方得到公平審訊的權利,以及他們舉證、盤問證人和作出陳詞的合理機會。 |
Our protection system of inheritance obligation should be improved in entity and procedure in all sides . in entity , basic principles should be confirmed that inheritance obligation must be protected by law ; the recognition of inheritance must be based on lawful status , assisted by a proviso ; the denoted properties from the decedent to the heir due to marriage , business , a mensa et thoro and so on after the decedent ' s death should be regarded as inheritance . inheritance obligation should only be that caused by the decedent ' s behavior , based on public law and private law 我國的遺產債權保護機制應從實體和程序兩個方面全方位的予以改造? ?在實體法方面:首先確立“遺產債權受法律保護的基本原則” ,遺產的界定應以法律地位說為基礎,另輔以但書,被繼承人生前對繼承人因結婚、營業、分居等事項所受之贈與應視為遺產,遺產債務只能是被繼承人生前行為所引起的公法和私法意義上的債務,不包括繼承費用,繼承費用雖由遺產支付,但只屬遺產的負擔。 |
Where land within an assistance program as referred to in the preceding paragraph meets the provisions of the proviso to article 44 , subparagraph 1 or article 52 - 1 , subparagraph 6 of the non - urban land - use management regulations , the city / county ( metropolitan ) government with due jurisdiction shall make other provision in the assistance program concerning restriction on the size of land area occupied by a start - up enterprise and the ratio of the area to be established as protected green space , and submit it together with the program to the executive yuan for approval 前項輔導方案內土地,其符合非都市土地使用管制規則第四十四條第一款但書或第五十二條之一第六款規定者,直轄市、縣(市)政府應于前項方案中,就興辦事業土地面積大小及設置保育綠地面積比例限制,另為規定,并案報請行政院核定。 |
1 all immovable property owned by the land development corporation at the date of commencement of parts ii to viii shall , at that date , be owned by the authority by virtue of this ordinance for the residue of the term of years created by the respective government leases , subject to the covenants , conditions , stipulations , exceptions , reservations , provisos and powers contained in and reserved by those respective government leases 1在第ii至viii部生效日期當日由土發公司擁有的所有不動產,均須自該日起憑藉本條例由市建局擁有,年期為各別政府租契設定的年期所馀部分,但須受各別政府租契所載和所保留的契諾條件約定條件原權益保留條款新權益保留條款但書及權力規限。 |
The proviso to section 71 ( 2 ) of the inland revenue ordinance empowers the commissioner , when considering a valid objection , to order tax to be held over on the condition that a tax reserve certificate is to be purchased , or a banker s undertaking is to be furnished , to provide security for payment of the tax to be held over 《稅務條例》第71 ( 2 )條的但書賦予稅務局局長權力,在處理反對個案時,可在命令緩繳稅款時附加條件,包括要求納稅人購買儲稅券或提供銀行承諾,以作為繳款的保證。 |
If the child ' s condition is such that transfer is not feasible the surgical principles outlined for the treatment of adults must be followed with the proviso that blood for transfusion should be obtained as soon as possible and utilised if a shock state develops following evacuation 如果孩子的情況不可以進行器官移植,必須遵循治療成人的外科原則,但有個條件,就是應當準備好輸血,如果發生排泄后休克,應盡快輸血 |
If the child ' s condition is such that transfer is not feasible the surgical principles outlined for the treatment of adults must be followed with the proviso that blood for transfusion should be obtained as soon as possible and utilised if a shock state develops following evacuation 如果孩子的狀況危急不能立即轉移,那就應采用成人治療原則,前提是盡快備好輸血用具,并在出現轉運休克時立即輸血。 |
Proviso to section 88 states that for the purpose of profits tax , if a charitable institution or trust of a public character carries on a trade or business , the profits from such trade or business are exempted only if : - 1 第88條但書載明,如屬公共性質的慈善機構或信托團體經營任何行業或業務,從該行業或業務所得的利潤必須符合下列情況,才可獲豁免繳付利得稅: |
The definition of special provisions in the proviso of paragraph 14 . 1 and the provisions governing education and training and record keeping in paragraph 14 . 4 shall be laid down by the competent authority in consultation with relevant agencies 第一項但書規定之特別限制情形與第四項教育訓練之實施及其紀錄保存等事項,由主管機關會商有關機關定之。 |
The new tax law allowed corporations to deduct the ( 35 ) cost of the product donated plus half the difference between cost and fair market selling price , with the proviso that deductions cannot exceed twice cost 新的稅法允許企業(從應付稅部分)扣除捐獻的產品的成本以及成本價和市場銷售價差的一半,條件是扣除的部分不能超出成本的2倍。 |
Bills of credit were issued with the proviso ( 注 14 ) that they were to be redeemed in specie at some future date ; in the meantime , they were accepted for taxes by the issuing colony 發行取款憑單的附帶條件是憑單會在將來某日以貨幣贖回;同時簽發憑單的殖民地可將這些憑單當作稅款接受。 |
“ proviso “ is a syntactic mode used in legislative statements marked with linking words like “ 但是 “ and “ 但 “ to show exceptional condition or behavioral precondition 摘要“但書” ,是指立法表述中以“但是” 、 “但”作為轉折連詞,用以表例外的條件或行為的前提的句法模式。 |
But this must be subject to the important proviso that whatever is done should not undermine the long - term interests of the community as a whole 但政府就這方面推出的任何政策,都必須緊記一個重要的大前提,就是要顧及整體社會的長遠利益。 |
There is usually a proviso that the offer may be conditional upon acceptance in respect of a minimum number of shares and within a certain date specified 通常這種出價會附帶有一個開價有效條件,規定接管的最小股份數量和一個特定的時期。 |
So overall ( and with the huge proviso that you do not count the fossil fuel used to farm the stuff ) biofuels are carbon - neutral 因此,總體來講,生物燃料是屬于碳中性的,但條件是人們不會去計算制造生物燃料所要耗費的化石燃料。 |
Proviso : the sum or sums of indemnity provided in the indemnity scale shall be dealt with according to the following proviso 一、在保險有效期內,不論發生一次或多次賠償,本公司賠償累計以不超過保險金額為限。 |
He failed to perceive any very vast amount of harm in that always with the proviso no rumpus of any sort was kicked up 起碼讓這個青年處在能夠保障他的安全的人手里,就跟臺架252上的烤面包片那樣暖烘烘的。 |