provision n.1.預備,準備,設備 (for; against);...
n. 1.預備,準備,設備 (for; against); 供應,(一批)供應品;生活物質;儲備物資。 2.〔pl.〕食品,糧食。 3.【法律】規定,條項,條款。 短語和例子an express provision 【法律】明文(規定)。 the provisions of lease 租借條款。 according to the provisions of the Act 據該法令各條(所說)。 make ample provision for 充裕地供養。 make provision 預備,準備 (against)。 run out of provisions=short of provisions 糧食缺乏。 vt. 向…供應糧食[必需品]。 n. -er 糧食籌辦員。 n. -ment 糧食供應。 “a roved provision“ 中文翻譯: 核準撥款“additional provision“ 中文翻譯: 補加稅款; 額外撥款“administrative provision“ 中文翻譯: 行政規定“antileasing provision“ 中文翻譯: 反租借措施“approved provision“ 中文翻譯: 核準撥款“budget provision“ 中文翻譯: 預算撥款“call provision“ 中文翻譯: 關于收回債券條款; 回收的條款; 提前兌回條款; 提前贖回(證券)條款; 提前贖回條款“coinsurance provision“ 中文翻譯: 共保條款“consequential provision“ 中文翻譯: 繼起性的法律規定; 相應條文“contract provision“ 中文翻譯: 合同規定“contractual provision“ 中文翻譯: 合同條款; 契約條款“conversion provision“ 中文翻譯: 證卷轉換條款“deeming provision“ 中文翻譯: 公認條款“depreciation provision“ 中文翻譯: 備抵折舊; 折舊備抵“descriptive provision“ 中文翻譯: 說明性條文; 性能規定; 敘述規定“dry provision“ 中文翻譯: 干糧“electoral provision“ 中文翻譯: 選舉規定“enabling provision“ 中文翻譯: 賦權條文;授予權力的條文; 授予權力的條文“enacting provision“ 中文翻譯: 制定語式條文“escalation provision“ 中文翻譯: 增價條款“existing provision“ 中文翻譯: 現行規定“experimental provision“ 中文翻譯: 實驗裝置“expired provision“ 中文翻譯: 有效期已屆滿的條文“exposure provision“ 中文翻譯: 違約準備金“provision accounts“ 中文翻譯: 備抵賬戶“provisio“ 中文翻譯: 條款
provision merchant |
Whether or not the provisions of the constitution would be acceptable to the mass of the voters who would vote on its ratification, therefore, was constantly in their minds . 因此,憲法條文是否會獲大多數選民接納和通過的問題,一直縈繞在他們的腦海中。 |
Since the management of los muertos had counted upon having these in hand long before this time, no provision had been made for keeping the old stock in repair . 因為摩埃托斯家莊的管理處指望早就可以把這些東西拿到手,他們就沒有把那批舊的農具修理好。 |
In this case the memorandum of understanding was an detailed statement of how israel intended to interpret the provisions of the six-point accord . 這一次這個諒解備忘錄的內容是詳細說明以色列打算怎樣解釋六點協議的各項條款。 |
While i was, as before mentioned, detained at new york, i received all the accounts of the provisions furnished to braddock . 如上所述,當我還在紐約逗留時,我收到曾向布雷多克提供給養的全部帳單。 |
A contract is concluded at the moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective in accordance with the provisions of this convention . 合同于按照本公約規定對發價的接受生效時訂立。 |
It is safe to assert that no government proper even had a provision in its organic law for its own termination . 我們可以確定地說,沒有一個正式的政府曾經在其組織法中規定它自己的結束。 |
In such a case, strict observance of the provisions and rules is necessary in dealing with documentary credits . 在這種情況下,我們在受理跟單信用證時,有必要嚴格地遵守這些條款和規則。 |
The people about the house and the clerks at the provision stores often remarked that trina's fingertips were swollen . 那所房子附近的人跟伙食店的伙計常常看見屈麗娜的手指尖腫的厲害。 |
Kit's story having got abroad, raised him up a host of friends, and many offers of provision for his future life . 吉特的故事傳開了,使他得到了一群朋友,許多人愿意負擔他未來的生活。 |
Very few plants have provisions for the separate disposal of grease to scavengers or by incineration . 幾乎沒有工廠采用清除器對油脂進行分別處置,或采用焚化進行處置的措施。 |
Then the woefully inadequate provision of health care to the masses of poor people becomes strikingly clear . 那么提供給窮苦大眾的衛生服務工作不足得可悲也就一清二楚了。 |
One of the provisions of the loan guarantees was an employee stock ownership plan for our workers . 在貸款保證的各種條款中,有一條規定讓我們的工人擁有職工股票的計劃。 |
We fought these untoward events with a will and conquered, but it cut into our provision reserve . 我們頑強地同這些不利條件搏斗,戰勝了困難,但是大大消耗糧食儲備量。 |
Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed full of solids . 在設計中應考慮如何避免豐富的固體床層由于意外事故而崩塌。 |
She had a theory that it was only under this provision life was worth living . 她有一個理論,認為只有在這樣的條件下,才值得生活下去。 |
She accepted the contract with the provision that it would be revised after a year . 她同意簽訂這合同,其中規定一年之后得加以修訂。 |
Early in december the foreman came along with generous provisions for christmas . 十二月初,領班帶來了供圣誕節享受的豐盛的食物。 |
The voice seemed to come from among some barrels in which provisions were stored . 聲音象是從儲藏糧食的幾個木桶中傳出來的。 |
However, one clause in the act virtually nullifies these provisions . 然而,法令中有一條款卻在實際上使這些規定歸于無效。 |