
provincialism n.1.鄉下氣,粗野。2.土腔,方言。3.地區性,褊狹;...


Many cookeries of famous court dishes were recorded in chu ci , which showed that the dietetic culture came to climax in the latter period of warring kingdoms . it corresponded to the political and economical strength of chu at that time and was relevant to the exceptioanally gifted geographic environment , provincialism and local manners in chu 此文主要介紹楚辭所載多種宮廷名肴的烹飪方法,表明中國的飲食文化在戰國后期達到了又一高潮,此與當時楚國的政治經濟實力形成正比,也與楚國得天獨厚的地理環境和民情風俗有關。

Conflict mediation among community residents as presented in this thesis , is an system arrangement which is used to resolve the conflict in the community , having inherited the local provincialism and local characteristics resources from the conflict mediation that occurs among people , and obtained the support of the state power . so it is a very influence and existence system 社區人民調解制度是解決微觀社區內生活性社會沖突的制度安排,它繼承了民間調解的鄉土性資源和地方性符號資源,長于彌合、熨平或重建發生皺褶或斷裂的社會關系,同時又獲得了國家權力對其合法性的支撐,因而具有更加豐富的社會政治意蘊和更強的社會作用力。

The article studied the development of those local textbooks , described the comprehension of intellectuals about the relationship between provincialism and country at that time , and pointed out the channel and scale of those local textbooks circulating to japan 本文就近代鄉土志的發展狀況,當時的讀書人對鄉土與國家關系的詮釋,以及鄉土志流播日本等問題,進行分析,闡發了自己的新看法。

Despite being accused of amero - centric provincialism , hollywood has always employed a host of foreign born actors and actresses , from greta garbo to nicole kidman , and charlie chaplin to mel gibson 盡管那種以美國為中心的偏狹觀念受到了譴責,但好萊塢卻始終在啟用著大批出生于國外的男女演員,從葛麗泰?嘉寶到妮可?基德曼,從查理?卓別林到梅爾?吉布森。

The provincialism , country landscape , homestead and wilderness that are presented in the texts cannot be regarded as objective facts but four different literary situations based on the country 呈現于文本中的“鄉土” 、 “農村” 、 “家園”和“荒野” ,顯然并不能看作同一種既定的客觀事實,而是基于鄉村的四種不同文學景觀。

Excepting a few provincialisms of slight consequence , you have no marks of the manners which i am habituated to consider as peculiar to your class 我一向認為的你們這一階層人所固有的習氣,在你身上并未留下痕跡,你只是稍稍有點鄉土氣罷了。

They were at once cosmopolitan and provincial , with the cosmopolitan provincialism of art that goes with pure social ideals 她們這種世界而又鄉土的美術主義,是和純潔的社會理想相吻合的。

He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught 他所執教是一所規模很小的大學,他想擺脫存在於其中的地方主義桎梏

He wants to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he teach 他所執教是一所規模很小的大學,他想擺脫存在于其中的地方主義桎梏。

He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught 他所執教是一所規模很小的大學,他想擺脫存在于其中的地方主義桎梏

He wants to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he teach 他所執教是一所規模很小的大學,他想擺脫存在於其中的地方主義桎梏。

Provincialism of archaeology and the important position of luoyang in chinese archaeology 意味與洛陽在中國考古學中的突出地位

Provincialism - analysis of the path to the research of landscape design by geoffrey bawa 巴瓦的風景園林設計探索之路解析

But provincialism in educational research is , alas , nothing new 只不過教育研究中的地方主義也實在是屢見不鮮了吧!

What is homeland : on spiritual return of provincialism novels after 之后鄉土小說的精神歸依

For all its inadequacies, new england nourished them, and like other new englanders they extracted a kind of genius from provincialism . 新英格蘭縱然不免孤陋,畢竟養育了他們,一如其他新英格蘭人,他們確實也從本鄉土攝取了某種靈氣。

He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught . 他所執教的是一所規模很小的大學,他想擺脫存在于其中的地方主義桎梏。

We are embarrassed by his provincialisms . 他偏狹守舊而使我們感到難為情。