providential adj.神意的;天佑的,幸運的。adv.-ly 照天意,...
adj. 神意的;天佑的,幸運的。 adv. -ly 照天意,靠天佑。 “providential chan“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維登舍爾海峽“a providential escape; a close shave“ 中文翻譯: 天幸“mutual providential society“ 中文翻譯: 互助儲蓄會“providenti“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維登蒂“providentially“ 中文翻譯: 照天意“providentfund“ 中文翻譯: 公積金“providently“ 中文翻譯: 有遠慮地“providente“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維登特“providentsiya“ 中文翻譯: 普羅維堅齊亞“provident mutual insurance company“ 中文翻譯: 普洛維登相互保險公司“provider“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.供給者,準備者。 2.需供養家庭的人。 a lion's provider 【動物;動物學】豺狼 (=jackal); 為虎作倀的人;被人利用的人,爪牙。 a universal provider 雜貨商。 a good provider 能使家屬豐衣美食的人。 “provident housewife“ 中文翻譯: 管家精明的主婦
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Highly providential was the appearance on the scene of corny kelleher when stephen was blissfully unconscious that , but for that man in the gap turning up at the eleventh hour , the finis might have been that he might have been a candidate for the accident ward , or , failing that , the bridewell and an appearance in the court next day before mr tobias , or , he being the solicitor , rather old wall , he meant to say , or malony which simply spelt ruin for a chap when it got bruited about 倘若不是他在最后這節骨眼兒上出現,到頭來12斯蒂芬就會成為被抬往救護所的候補者,要么就成為蹲監獄的候補者第二天落個在法庭上去見托拜厄斯13的下場。不,他是個律師,或許得去見老沃爾14 ,要么就是馬奧尼15 。這檔子事傳出去之后,你就非身敗名裂不可。 |
As i knew nothing that night of the supply i was to receive by the providential driving of the ship nearer the land , by the storms and tide , by which i have since been so long nourish d and supported ; so these three poor desolate men knew nothing how certain of deliverance and supply they were , how near it was to them , and how effectually and really they were in a condition of safety , at the same time that they thought themselves lost , and their case desperate 那天晚上,我萬萬沒有想到,老天爺會讓風暴和潮水把大船沖近海岸,使我獲得不少生活必需品后來正是靠了這些生活必需品我才活了下來,并一直活到今天。同樣,那三個可憐的受難者也不會想到,他們一定會獲救,而且不久就會獲救。他們也決不會想到,就在他們認為肯定沒命或毫無出路時,他們實際上是完全安全了。 |
That heaven promotes its purposes without aiming at the stage - effect of what is called miraculous interposition , were inclined to see a providential hand in roger chillingworth s so opportune arrival 而一些具有更加聰慧的信仰的人明知,上天為實現其目的,不必求助于所謂奇跡的插曲來達到舞臺效果,但也樂于看到羅杰靈握斯是假上天之手才及時到來的。 |
In all this and much more , we can see the providential hand of god guiding the american colonists , despite their sins 在這些以及更多的事實中,我們可以看到雖然殖民地的人犯了許多的罪,神旨意之手依然帶領著他們。 |
The red cow didn t die by chance ; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations 那條紅牛不是偶然死掉的,而你的風濕病還不能算作天賜的懲罰! ” |
This , from him , so unexpectedly apposite , had the effect upon her of a providential interposition 他說出這句話來,完全和她想說的一樣,這使她覺得好像是上天的有意安排。 |
How providential that he had presence of mind to think of the water - jug “真是上帝保佑,他還能那么清醒,想起了水罐! ” |
Their departure just before the floods was providential 他們恰在發洪水之前離開,走得真是時候 |
The providential . he feels his trouser pocket 要么是情欲,要么是勃艮第葡萄酒。 |
It struck her as providential that she should be the instrument of his initiation . 在她看來,由她來擔任這個啟蒙的角色實出天意。 |