proverbial adj.1.諺語(式)的。2.已成話柄的。3.出名的,天...
adj. 1.諺語(式)的。 2.已成話柄的。 3.出名的,天下聞名的。 短語和例子the proverbial London fog 有名的倫敦霧。 “proverbialist“ 中文翻譯: n. 善用諺語的人;諺語作者;集諺者。 “proverb; saying; adage; saw; byword“ 中文翻譯: 諺語“proverbially“ 中文翻譯: adv. 1.如諺語所說。 2.廣泛地,一般(所知道)地。 Why, medicine is proverbially nasty. 藥當然難吃?。 “proverb collection“ 中文翻譯: 諺語精選“proverbially ad“ 中文翻譯: 無人不知地“proverb“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.諺語,古語;俗話;箴言。 2.話柄,笑柄。 3.人人知道的事情;有名的事情。 4.俚諺劇。 5.〔pl.〕 俚諺游戲。 His punctuality is a proverb.=He is a proverb for punctuality. 他嚴守時間是有名的。 The (Book of) P-s (基督教《舊約全書》)《箴言》。 as the proverb goes [runs] 俗話說。 pass into a proverb 1. 成為諺語。 2. 成話柄。 to a proverb 弄到出名 (He is punctual to a proverb. 他嚴守時間是人所共知的)。 “proverbio“ 中文翻譯: 普羅韋爾比奧“provera“ 中文翻譯: 安宮黃體酮 甲孕酮 醋酸甲羥孕酮; 普羅韋拉; 普羅維拉“proverbs“ 中文翻譯: 箴言篇“prover tank“ 中文翻譯: 檢驗罐
proverbialist |
Yet i wish i had a proverbial nickel for every e - mail i ve received saying , “ i m trying to process the attached xml document through such and such tool and it fails - could you recommend a better tool ? “ invariably , i open the document and find an obvious syntax error such as an empty tag without the closing slash it should look like this 但是我希望以后不會再受到這樣的電子郵件, “我嘗試用這樣那樣的工具處理附件中的xml文檔,但是行不通,還有其他的工具嗎? ”毫無例外的,我打開文檔后總能找到明顯的語法錯誤,比如沒有反斜杠的空標簽(應該是這樣: |
He liked talking , and talked well , adorning his speech with caressing epithets and proverbial sayings , which pierre fancied he often invented himself . but the great charm of his talk was that the simplest incidentssometimes the same that pierre had himself seen without noticing themin his account of them gained a character of seemliness and solemn significance 他愛說,能說,用討好話和成語裝飾他的語言,那些成語,皮埃爾覺得是他自己造出來的而他談話的主要魅力,在于他說的事都是單純的,往往是皮埃爾視而不見的,而一經他道出,便具有莊嚴優雅的特點。 |
The proverbial sayings , of which his talk was full , were not the bold , and mostly indecent , sayings common among soldiers , but those peasant saws , which seem of so little meaning looked at separately , and gain all at once a significance of profound wisdom when uttered appropriately 充滿他的語言里的成語,大多是不文雅而粗獷的那些成語,并不是士兵使用的,而是老百姓的日常習用語,把它們單獨抽出來看是沒有意義的,但湊到話里說出來,則突然顯示出深刻的機智。 |
Born in the neighborhood of arles , she had shared in the beauty for which its women are proverbial ; but that beauty had gradually withered beneath the devastating influence of the slow fever so prevalent among dwellers by the ponds of aiguemortes and the marshes of camargue 她出生在阿爾附近,那個地方素以出美女而聞名,她也雖具有當地婦女那傳統的美色。但那種美麗,在阿琪摩地河與凱馬琪沼澤地帶附近非常流行的那種慢性寒熱癥的摧殘之下,已逐漸減色了。 |
The role of comic books on his work , the influence of king hu and peking opera , the early years of film workshop and his films of the mid and late 90s are some of the areas we believe warrant coverage but are unable to because of , again , the proverbial lack of time and resources 但徐克電影生涯中,本書亦有還沒觸及的內容,如漫畫在徐克作品的重要性胡金銓與京劇對他的影響電影工作室早期情況,以及徐克在九十年代中后期的作品。 |
And yet in chinese tradition , the so - called “ eldritch flame shadow flame “ , which involves the burning of rhinoceros horn , is a proverbial method of piercing the veil between the mortal realm and the hereafter 劉誠是含冤而死還是命不該絕?劊子手秦步羅莽飾攜著冰寒的鋼刀,一聲怒吼,手起刀落,奇跡就在這一刻發生生死有命? |
A very successful event , thanks to the usual proverbial helpfulness of the goalkeeper , and to the perfect malta vero amore , one of the greatest and most active association of the bianconeri ' s fans 這是一次非常宏大的盛會,馬耳他愛心慈善會的活躍這要感謝這個舉世聞名的門將和斑馬軍團這個世界上最最龐大最最活躍的球迷群體。 |
For the last 10 years the question of whether to use fixed or liquid layouts when designing a website has raged on in the web design world , with major design players on both sides of the proverbial fence 在過去的10年的互聯網設計領域中,使用“固定布局”還是使用“浮動布局”是一個人們經常爭論的話題,雙方都各執一詞。 |
The very medium that we hoped would bring us closer to the people has grown into a risk - averse behemoth that is cute to look at but is harder to teach new tricks than the proverbial old dog 那非常?生熟的我們希望會對人使我們更靠近已經發展成危險-很可愛看但是比較難超過諺語的老狗教新的詭計的不愿意的巨獸。 |
Well , to this day , when i hear those familiar songs , i ' m right back there again , smelling scents of the time , and feeling 15 , ready to blow up the proverbial bridge , to get it 那么,到了今天,當我聽見那些熟悉的歌時,我會再次回到那里,聞到那個時代的氣味,感覺到15歲,準備好炸掉那座傳說的橋,去得到它! |
“ these are not mainly aimed at savage chieftains who seal treaties with the proverbial x or a grunt , but at the infuriating inefficiencies of ink in the internet era . 這些法案主要不是針對略帶抱怨用著名的x在協議上蓋章的原始部落酋長,而是為了解決在因特網時代油墨簽名那令人發怒的效率低下。 |
By adding these social entrepreneurs , the study of social entrepreneurship can move beyond the search for the proverbial needle in a haystack to methodologies for sorting piles of hay 通過增加這些社會企業家,對社會企業家的研究可以超越大海撈針模式,而進入到整理大量信息的方法論中。 |
And when all was said and done , the lies a fellow told about himself couldn t probably hold a proverbial candle to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him 歸根結蒂,一個人關于自己所說的瞎話,同旁人對他所編造的彌天大謊相比之下,恐怕就算不上什么了。 |
The conditioned response , once it is firmly established , can be extinguished dozens of times , but it sill always return , like the proverbial bad penny 條件反射一經形成,雖然可以一次又一次地壓制下去,但是它總會重新再現,真是擺也擺不脫扔也扔不掉。 |
A study on status of foreign capitals in chinese publishing industry as a deficiently opened market , there is proverbial high profit in china ’ s publishing industry 長期以來,中國的出版業作為一個開放并不充分的市場,存在著眾所周知的高利潤。 |
In 1987 a camera attached to a microscope snapped images of tiny gears , each of which had a diameter approaching that of the proverbial human hair 1987年,一具連接著顯微鏡的攝影機,拍攝了極微小齒輪的相片,每個齒輪的直徑和人的頭發差不多。 |
Having developed a keen interest in the natural elements as a student , sir lok taking on a career in the observatory is like a proverbial duck to water 樂哥于求學時期已對天文地理產生濃厚興趣,投身天文臺工作,自然是如魚得水。 |
A few weeks ago , many in the crew were telling me that i got here at just the right time , during the proverbial calm before the storm 幾周前,工作組的許多人對我說,我來的正是時候,正是俗語所說的“暴風雨前的平靜” 。 |
Out of the proverbial cpan box , appconfig can do extra processing but you have to decide the order in which it will happen 在眾所周知的cpan范圍之外, appconfig可以做額外的處理,但是您必須決定事件發生的順序。 |