
prove vt.( -d; -d, 〔古、美〕 proven )1...


The thickness of madeline's letter proved deceptive . 梅德琳的厚信原來是騙人的。

He tried to prove that the triangle was isosceles . 他想證明那個三角形是等腰的。

He has determined on proving his friends' innocence . 他決心替他的朋友洗清罪名。

This is proved by the following eq(5. 29) . 這一點可以根據529式給予證明。

His behavior to me proved that he did not know . 他對我的行動表明,他并不知道。

These engagements proved decisive turning points . 這幾仗構成了決定性的轉折點。

His assumption proved to be wrong . 他的設想證明是錯誤的。

Unfortunately, that hope had proved in vain . 使人掃興的是,這種希望成了泡影。

What she said is proved to be correct . 她說的話果然靈驗。

These facts are enough to prove that she is right . 這些事實足以證明她是對的。

But the negotiations proved long and tortuous . 但談判還是轉彎抹角地拖了很久。

Facts proved that our worries were uncalled-for . 事實證明我們的擔心是多余的。

I proved wildly off the mark . 而事實證明,我是大錯特錯了。

She will prove a danger to our family . 她將是我們家的禍根。

To her, they might prove very injurious-very . 他們對她可能很不好,很不好。

We have now proved our point . 我們現在已經證明了我們的見解。

The accused man was able to prove an alibi . 該被告能夠證明他當時不在現場。

Both appointments proved great successes . 結果證明,這兩項任命都非常成功。

We should first prove his honesty . 我們應該先考驗他是否誠實。