provable adj.可證明的;可證實的。adv.-bly ,-nes...
adj. 可證明的;可證實的。 adv. -bly ,-ness n. “provable debt“ 中文翻譯: 可證債項;可證債權“provable formula“ 中文翻譯: 可證公式“debt provable in bankruptcy“ 中文翻譯: 可證明的破產債務; 破產案中可證債項“debts provable in bankruptcy“ 中文翻譯: 破產時可認債務; 破產中可證明的債務“debts-provable in bankruptcy“ 中文翻譯: 破產時認可的債務“provable chimney sweeper“ 中文翻譯: 突掃除人“provable debt in bankruptcy“ 中文翻譯: 可證實的破產債務, 宣告破產時確認的債務“provability“ 中文翻譯: 可證迷“prova de conhecimento lingustico“ 中文翻譯: 語言知識的證明“prova“ 中文翻譯: 普羅瓦“prov azua“ 中文翻譯: 阿蘇埃爾河“provably-secured operating system“ 中文翻譯: 證明安全的操作系統“prov“ 中文翻譯: 普羅夫
prove |
Concentrating on security analysis and design of block ciphers , five principal achievements have been obtained in this dissertation : 1 . using differential - nonlinear cryptanalysis , truncated differential - linear cryptanalysis and integral cryptanalysis respectively , three attacks of reduced - round safer + + are given ; 2 . based on the survey of provable security and practical security of block ciphers , a block cipher model of spn cipher containing feistel structure is proposed 分別利用差分-非線性密碼分析、截斷差分-線性密碼分析、積分密碼分析三種不同的密碼分析方法,對safer + +進行了密碼分析; 2在對分組密碼的可證明安全性和實際安全性研究的基礎上,提出了一個嵌套feistd結構的sp型分組密碼的模型。 |
The important content of rule of corroboration involves in incompletely provable value of evidence , which is object of rule of corroboration . after generalizing the difference between the common law system and the continent law system , this article comments on its historical cause of formation . furthermore , the author puts forward the object and the definition of rule of corroboration 對證明力不完全的證據(即補強證據規則的對象)的界定是補強證據規則的重要內容,本文在對兩大法系補強證據規則對象的差異簡要概述之后,對其成因作了評析,并進而提出了筆者對補強證據規則對象的界定以及對補強證據規則的定義。 |
Safeguard measures , as trade remedies , are important exceptions which are permitted under the wto . this nature determines that their application prerequisites must be strict enough . the causal link is one of the application prerequisites and its rules and provable standard will determine weather the safeguard taken is legal and easy to apply 保障措施的因果關系要件是保障措施的實施要件之一,其采取的規則和標準決定了保障措施援引的合法與否以及難易程度,而wto有關條文對這一問題規定相對含糊、抽象。 |
It contains the architecture , algorithms , and protocols etc . main contributions of the work are as follows : firstly , the security architecture , requirements , mode , and algorithms , protocols flows of 3g needed are formalized ; second , the radio access encryption , data confidentiality and data integrity technology are also deeply discussed ; third , a detailed analysis of the standardized fs and f9 is given ; at the same time , the two algorithms are realized ; next a scheme to implement fd - f5 algorithms 3g needed is proposed on the basis of 3g architecture , we also analyzed its practicability ; then according to provable security theorem and the differential and algebraic cryptanalysis , we analyze the kasumi algorithm to know the security level of it ; two systems to implement the security in the network - domain are given aiming at resolving the security problem in the fixed network : one is a global system ; the other is called two - tiered key management system by use of ipsec , ike 首先概要的總結了3g的安全結構,安全需求,安全模式以及算法和協議流程,對無線接入網的安全實現、數據加密的實現、數據的完整化保護等進行了深入的探討,詳細的闡述了其中用到的標準化算法f8 , f9 ,并對這兩個算法進行了實現。然后在此基礎上提出了實現3g中需要的算法f0 - f5的方案,并分析了其可行性;根據可證明的安全理論詳細分析了kasumi算法,從而對標準化算法有了一個理性的認識,更加清楚的知道了它的安全度;接著利用數學、差分等方法對kasumi進行了實際的分析,證明其是安全的。文章接著在無線接入網的安全體制基礎上進一步給出了兩種實現網絡域內安全的密鑰管理體制,解決了固定網內的安全:一個是宏觀的安全體制;一個是two - tiered (兩階)安全體制,后一種體制是在ipsec , ike的基礎上提出和完善的。 |
Users of the preliminary edition ( now out of print ) will be interested to note several new chapters on complexity theory : chapter 8 on space complexity ; chapter 9 on provable intractability , and chapter 10 on advanced topics , including approximation algorithms , alternation , interactive proof systems , cryptography , and parallel computing 早期版本的讀者將驚奇的發現新增的有關復雜性理論的章節:第8章,空間復雜性;第9章,不可證明性;第10章,高級話題,包括近似算法,交替,交互推理系統,密碼學和并行計算。 |
Beginning with setting forth origination , basis in theory of law and characteristic of rule of corroboration , it explores emphatically the content of the rule in which the meaning , scope , ability of evidence , provable value of corroboration and the range objects of rule of corroboration are elaborated 文章首先對補強證據規則的歷史起源、確立的法理依據和補強證據規則的特征進行了簡要的闡述,接著著重對補強證據規則的內容進行了探討。其中對補強證據的含義、范圍、證據能力、證明力以及補強證據規則的適用范圍和對象都作了詳細的論述。 |
There is no exact or provable information about zarathushtra ' s life at court , though it may be assumed that it was here that he composed the gathas , and the names of king and court appear in the poetry as if , in oral recitation , they were there listening to him 盡管可以假設他在這里寫下了迦特,正如詩上所說和口頭朗誦的國王名字一樣,他們在這里聽他講道,但有關瑣羅亞斯德在宮庭的生活沒有確切或者可查明的資料。 |
The most important provable innovation of this thesis lies in the introduction of time factor . comparing the impact on index proxy portfolio by different time factor , the result comes that time factor in exponential form can describe the actual market best 本文最重要的創新在于把時間因子引入了聚類算法,來比較不同時間因子對構造指數代理證券組合的影響,結果發現指數形式的時間因子能較好地刻畫真實市場情況。 |
The model has some properties as follows : can give accurate formal specifications for cryptographic protocols ; has provable semantics which is reasonable and sound ; can define the security properties precisely and reasonably ; is easy to realize automatic deductions 該模型具有以下特點:能夠對密碼協議進行精確的形式化描述;具有合理可靠的可證明語義;對密碼協議安全性的定義精確合理;便于實現自動化推理。 |
From these historically provable facts we can now test whether god can actually foretell the future , realising that predictions made in the old testament were made at least 250 years before they were fulfilled in the new testament 從這些可驗證的真實事情身上我們可以檢驗上帝是否真能預言未來,要知道從舊約的預言到在新約中應驗,中間至少間隔了250年。 |
For any formal theory in which basic arithmetical facts are provable , it is possible to construct an arithmetical statement which , if the theory is consistent , is true but not provable or refutable in the theory 對任何基本算術事實是可證明的形式理論來說,如果該理論是一致的,那么就可以構造一個算術陳述,它是正確的,但無法使用該理論證明或推翻。 |
I think my provable research of the three countries “ comparative advantages will be not only theoretical meaningful , but also practicable in today ' s east asia 因此,對中日韓三國貿易品比較優勢問題進行實證研究,在東亞經濟加快發展、深化合作的今天不僅有重要的理論意義,而且有重大的現實意義。 |
In particular , the stability for riesz basis , bessclian frame , riesz frame is provable if they are acted by a invertible opetator respectively 特別, riesz基、 besselian框架、 riesz框架,投影法可行框架在相似意義下具有穩定性第三節研究含riesz基框架的攝動 |
Rule of corroboration is an important rule in system of evidence , which is a stipulation that definitely provable value of kinds of evidence 補強證據規則是證據制度中的一項重要規則,是法律對幾類言詞證據明確限制其證明力的法則。 |
When you become the kind of human being that makes decisions before they are provable you are entering a new level of personhood that is profound . 若你在前景不明的時候仍勇于作決定,你就可以把自己的個性提升至更高層次。 |
There are known limitations to what is provable and probably to what is computable or knowable 關于什么是可證明的,什么是可計算的,或什么是可知的,有一些已知的限制。 |
Debt provable in bankruptcy 可證債項 |
Debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可證債權或可證債項 |
Is that a scientifically provable statement 這是有科學根據的嗎? |