
proust n.普魯斯特〔姓氏〕。


This view even suggests that the great spiritual inspiration reached by historical figures such as joan of arc , dostoyevsky , proust , saint paul and saint teresa of avila simply may have been caused by temporal lobe epilepsy , which consists of abnormal surges of electrical activity in the brains temporal regions 這種觀點甚至認為諸如圣女貞德杜斯妥也夫斯基蒲魯斯特圣保羅和德蕾莎修女等歷史人物之所以會有超凡的靈性體驗,是由于癲癇癥引起的,這種癥狀是大腦顳區不正常激增的電流活動所造成。

In effect , in trying to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound and less submissive to the intellect than saint - beuve assumed , proust elicited vital memories of his own and , finding subtle connections between them , began to amass the material for remembrance 結果,在試圖展示想象力要比圣-伯夫所假設的更加深刻且更獨立于抽象思維時,普魯斯特回憶起他自己的一些重要的往事并且發現它們之間存在著微妙的聯系,于是開始為寫作“追憶逝水年華”搜集素材。

Draft passages in proust ' s 1909 notebooks indicate that the transition from essay to novel began in contre saint - beuve , when proust introduced several examples to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory exerts over the creative imagination 普魯斯特1909年筆記中的某些草稿片段顯示,從論文到小說的過渡始于撰寫“駁圣-伯夫”的過程中,當時普魯斯特介紹了幾個事例,以證明無意識的記憶對于創造性想象力的強大影響。

The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels , from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings , made it difficult for proust to set them out coherently 各種有意義的聯系在所有的層次上,自抽象的理性至深刻的夢幻般的情感,層出不窮并不斷重新組合排列;正是這些有意義的聯系的豐富性和復雜性,致使普魯斯特難于將它們錯落有致地安排好。

The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels , from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings , made it difficult for proust to set them out coherently 各種錯綜復雜、意味深長的關系始終存在于從抽象的推理到深邃的夢覺等各個層面中且不易捉摸,令普魯斯特難以將這些線索安排妥當。

Already in that year , proust had drafted descriptions of his novel ' s characters in their old age that would appear in the final book of remembrance , where the permanence of art is set against the ravages of time 早在那一年,普魯斯特就設計好了小說人物在書的結尾處垂垂老矣時的情形,歲月的無情與藝術的永恒在此形成了鮮明的對比。

For until proust was confident that he was at last in sight of a viable structure for remembrance , he told few correspondents that he was producing anything more ambitious than contre saint - beuve 因為在普魯斯特確信他終于能全面把握追憶逝水年華的有形架構之前,沒多少記者獲悉他正在創作一部比“駁圣-伯夫”更為雄心勃勃的作品。

The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels , from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings , made it difficult for proust to set them out coherently 正是這些有意義的聯系的豐富性和復雜性,致使普魯斯特難于將它們錯落有致地安排好。

The chapter on literature attempts to describe the essential features of numerous major writers ? joyce , proust , tolstoy , kafka , etc 本書關于文學的一章試圖描述眾多重要作家的基本特點,如喬伊斯、普魯斯特、托爾斯泰、卡夫卡等。

As incidents and reflections occurred to proust , he continually inserted new passages altering and expanding his narrative 隨著各種情節和考慮不斷浮現在普魯斯特的腦海里,他接二連三地添加進新的段落,修改和擴張著他的敘述。

Paul de man , allegories of reading : figural language in rousseau , nietzsche , rilke , and proust ( new haven : yale university press , 1979 ) 塞爾登: 《文學批評理論- -從柏拉圖到現在》 ,劉象愚等譯(北京大學出版社, 2000 )

A new version of in search of lost time makes proust less stuffy , but has something been lost in translation 新譯本的《追憶似水年華》使得普魯斯特讀起來輕松了不少,但是不是丟失了點什么呢?

Seven years after the first questionnaire , proust was asked , at another social event , to fill out another 在第一份問卷七年后,普魯斯特在一個社交場合中被要求填寫另一份問卷。

Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind . marcel proust , french writer 愉快有益于人的身體,但只有悲傷才能培養心靈力量。

If adults liked to read books that were exceedingly difficult , they ' d all be reading proust 如果成年人愛讀特別艱澀的書,他們大概都會選追憶似水年華作者普魯斯特。

Vivian : so you do get up . i was beginning to think perhaps you worked in bed like marcel proust 維薇安:那么你是起床了。我還以為你像普魯斯特那樣在床上辦公呢。

Well , i like proust s subtlety and his well - bred anarchy . it makes you very dead , really “總之,我喜歡普魯斯特的銳敏,和他的高尚的無政府情態。 ”

Some people have suggested that proust is not a novelist at all , but an essayist 有些人提出,普魯斯特根本不是小說家,而是散文作家。