
proud adj.1.傲慢的,驕傲的。2.有自尊心的,自重的;有見...

proud hearted

Babbitt was enormously shy and proud and self-conscious . 巴比特感到十分慚愧、自豪、局促不安。

He was very proud of his old virginian ancestry . 他對于他那久遠的弗吉尼亞的家譜很引以自豪。

I know better than to be proud and demanding . 不過我很明白識體,不至于會縱驕,也不會苛求。

It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy . 我們奪得獎杯那一天是值得我們驕傲的日子。

He was too proud to complain . 他甚自重而不抱怨。

Mrs. ferrars is a very headstrong, proud woman . 費拉爾斯太太是個非常頑固、傲慢的婦人。

He was standing in proud array in the face of difficulties . 他面對困難,心里充滿自信。

Are you proud of your deed ? 你以你的行為為榮嗎?

He was very proud to be in the old man's favor . 他因為受寵于這個老頭兒,覺得非常自傲。

Marcia is a proud woman . 馬西婭是一個重名譽的人。

She saw banda, his proud black face beaming . 她看到了班達,他那高傲的黑臉龐容光煥發。

Stroeve had always been very proud of his taste . 施特略夫一向對自己的審美感非常自豪。

They were poor but proud . 他們雖然窮,但很有骨氣。

She is proud of being a virgin . 她以身為處女而自豪。

By heaven, he is the proudest fellow breathing . 說真的,那家伙是天下最驕傲的人了。

I am proud of his acquaintance . 我因認識他而覺得自豪。

We are proud of our new club . 我們以我們的新會所為榮。

You were a proud damsel then . 你那時候是個自豪的少婦。

He is too proud to ask questions . 他太驕傲,總不問人。