
protozoon n.(pl. protozoa ) 原生動物。adj.-...


It was observed that the filtrates of the bacterial culture showed significant lytic effect on blue - green algae , indicating the anti - algal effect results from the substances released by the bacteria in addition to the competitions of phosphorous between the 3 bacteria and algae . a protozoon was isolated 這說明了在一定磷濃度下, 3株細菌與藍藻之間有磷的競爭關系;另一方面,可能啟示人們認識到,當磷濃度增加導致水華暴發時,溶藻細菌的數量也會急劇增加,起到控制水華的作用。

Flies spread various microorganisms and carry worm eggs . up to now , 30 species of virus , 100 - plus species of bacteria and 30 species of protozoon have been discovered 蠅類傳播的微生物很多,已證實病毒約30種,細菌100多種,原蟲30多種并可攜帶多種蠕蟲卵等。

Indirect harm cockroach carries a variety of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria , virus , protozoon , parasitic ovum and fungi , etc 蟑螂能攜帶多種細菌、病毒、原蟲、寄生蟲卵、真菌等病原微生物。

The evidence for a significant role for cell-mediated immune responses in other protozoon diseases of animal is less complete . 在動物的其它原蟲性疾病中,有關細胞免疫應答的重要作用的證據尚不充足。