
protozoa n.〔pl.〕 【動物;動物學】原生動物門。


Among the many waterborne disease - causing viruses are hepatitis a and norwalk ; the pathogenic protozoa include cryptosporidium , entamoeba and giardia 而主要的水媒病毒為a型肝炎病毒及諾華克病毒;會引起疾病的原生動物,則包括隱孢子蟲、內阿米巴原蟲、梨形鞭毛蟲等。

Another group , the endoparasites , including tapeworms , threadworms protozoa , and other organisms , live in the body cavities , intestines , organs and cells of their hosts 另一種為體內寄生蟲,寄生在宿主的腔道組織內或細胞內,如某些蠕蟲和原蟲皆屬于這一類。

Statistical analysis of results shows no corelation between diabetes and protozoa , but nevertheless , a significant relation has been found between the diabetes and the yeasts 對研究結果進行了統計分析,證明糖尿病與原蟲無關,可是與酵母的關系卻很密切。

The parasite , a protozoan called leishmania donovani , had become resistant to the drugs of choice , compounds based on the element antimony 黑熱病利什曼原蟲這種原生動物,是造成利什曼病的寄生蟲,已對原本使用的銻化合物藥物產生抗藥性。

It was found that the added 32p was carried into com rhizosphere by the three protozoa , w hich significantly improved com growth 原生動物增強磷素從土體向根際運輸,明顯改善了玉米磷營養, 3種原生動物中colpodacucullus效果最顯著。

Solutions of povidone - iodine gradually release iodine to exert an effect again bacteria , fungi , viruses , protozoa , cysts and spores 碘射素是碘的有機聚合物,其水溶后慢慢游離碘能有效地殺死細菌霉菌病毒原蟲包囊及芽胞。

Ciliate , a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution , has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles 纖毛蟲是單細胞的原生動物,在進化上屬于低等的真核生物,但其各細胞器之間囊泡運輸系統極為完善。

6 protozoa and copepod nauplius were the most dominant groups , comprising more than 90 % of the total abundance of microzooplankton 6 、膠州灣小型浮游動物以原生動物和無節幼體為主,兩者共占小型浮游動物總數的90以上。

Many experiments have shown a fierce competition for this element between bacterial , fungal and protozoan pathogens and their hosts 很多實驗顯示這個元素是細菌,真菌及原生動物病菌與它們宿主間爭奪的重點。

In theory , genetic engineering could quell parasite multiplication before the protozoa ever left the insects ' salivary glands 理論上,基因改造可以在這些寄生的原生動物離開蚊子的唾腺之前,就抑制其復制。

Many experiments have shown a fierce competition for this element between bacterial , fungal and protozoan pathogens and their hosts 大量試驗表明,細菌、真菌、原生物病原體和母體間都競相爭奪鐵元素。

Protozoa could be used to improve the effluent quality , evaluate and assess the operating and function of the wastewater treatment plant 原生動物能用來改善水質、評價和指示污水廠的運行和處理效果。

A coating or covering on the surface of a living or nonliving substrate composed of organisms like bacteria , protozoa and algae 由微生物、原生動物、藻類等于生物體或非生物體表面之薄層覆蓋物。

The effects of restoration and disappearance of submerged macrophytes upon the structure and biodiversity of protozoan community 沉水植被的重建與消失對原生動物群落結構和生物多樣性的影響

The purification efficiency of the hangu stabilization ponds and its relationship with biodiversity of protozoan community 原生動物群落多樣性變化與漢沽穩定塘水質凈化效能相互關系的研究

Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female anopheles mosquitoes 瘧疾由瘧原蟲引起,這種原蟲在人體內繁殖,并通過雌性按蚊傳播。

Protista in some classifications , a kingdom of simple eukayotic organisms including the algae and protozoans 原生生物:指在一些分類中,簡單真核生物的一個界,包括藻類和原生動物。

There are many different kinds of germs , but the four most common are : bacteria , viruses , fungi and protozoa 微生物種類繁多,其中最普通的四種是:細菌,病毒,真菌,原生動物。

6 . the vertical distributions of periphytic protozoan basically accorded with those of periphytic algae . 7 周叢原生動物的垂直分布基本與周叢藻類的垂直分布相一致。