protestation n.1.聲明,斷言,主張 (of; that)。2.抗議...
n. 1.聲明,斷言,主張 (of; that)。 2.抗議,異議(的提出);拒絕 (against)。 “protested check“ 中文翻譯: 拒付匯票; 拒付支票, 退票“protestants“ 中文翻譯: 新教徒“protested cheque“ 中文翻譯: 被拒付支票“protestantize“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. (使)改信新教,(使)新教化;(使)成新教徒。 “protester“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.聲明者。 2.抗議者,提出異議者;拒付(期票等)者。 “protestantism“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.新教;耶穌教。 2.〔集合詞〕新教徒。 3.新教徒的制度[教義]。 “protestfee“ 中文翻譯: 拒付通知單費用“protestanter“ 中文翻譯: 耶穌教徒“protestfornonpayment“ 中文翻譯: 拒絕付款通知書 拒絕付款通知書 拒絕支付抗議書 拒絕支付抗議書“protestantepiscopalchurch“ 中文翻譯: 圣公會
protester |
Villefort s dusty garb , his costume , which was not of courtly cut , excited the susceptibility of m . de brez , who was all astonishment at finding that this young man had the audacity to enter before the king in such attire . the duke , however , overcame all difficulties with a word - his majesty s order ; and , in spite of the protestations which the master of ceremonies made for the honor of his office and principles , villefort was introduced 維爾福穿的不是進見時的服裝,再加上那種風塵撲撲的外貌,引起了司儀大臣勃黎的懷疑,他對這個青年竟敢穿這樣的衣服來謁見國王陛下感到非常驚訝,但公爵終于用“奉國王之命”幾個字排除了一切困難,所以不管這位司儀大臣的意見如何,不管他如何尊重他的戒律,維爾福還是被通報了。 |
Opening the window , i walked in upon them ; liberated celine from my protection ; gave her notice to vacate her hotel ; offered her a purse for immediate exigencies ; disregarded screams , hysterics , prayers , protestations , convulsions ; made an appointment with the vicomte for a meeting at the bois de boulogne . next morning i had the pleasure of encountering him ; left a bullet in one of his poor etiolated arms , feeble as the wing of a chicken in the pip , and then thought i had done with the whole crew . but unluckily the varens , six months before , had given me this filette adele , who , she affirmed , was my daughter ; and perhaps she may be , though i see no proofs of such grim paternity written in her countenance : pilot is more like me than she 我打開落地窗,朝他們走去,解除了對塞莉納的保護,通知她騰出房子,給了她一筆錢以備眼前急用,不去理睬她的大哭小叫歇斯底里懇求抗議和痙攣,跟那位子爵約定在布洛尼樹林決斗的時間,第二天早晨,我有幸與他相遇,在他一條如同瘟雞翅膀那么弱不禁風的可憐的胳膊上,留下了一顆子彈,隨后自認為我已了結同這伙人的關系,不幸的是,這位瓦倫在六個月之前給我留下了這個fillette阿黛勒,并咬定她是我女兒。 |
We were quarrelling like cats about you , heathcliff ; and i was fairly beaten in protestations of devotion and admiration : and , moreover , i was informed that if i would but have the manners to stand aside , my rival , as she will ha “ e herself to be , would shoot a shaft into your soul that would fix you for ever , and send my image into eternal oblivion “我們為了你吵得像兩只貓一樣,希刺克厲夫。在訴說愛慕的誓言這方面,我可是給打敗了。而且,已經通知我說,如果我只要懂得靠邊站的規矩,我的情敵她自己認為是這樣的就要把愛情的箭射進你的心靈,使你永不變心,而且把我的影子永遠遺忘! ” |
And i could see that neither he nor the captain paid much regard to mr trelawney s protestations . neither did i , to be sure , he was so loose a talker ; yet in this case i believe he was really right , and that nobody had told the situation of the island 我看得出,醫生和船長都不大在意特里羅尼先生的抗議,我也如此,的確,他的口風太松了然而在這種情況下,我相信他說的是實話,沒有人講過那個島的位置。 |
I imitate neither manfred nor anthony ; but without words , protestations , or vows , my life has entwined itself with yours ; you leave me , and you are right in doing so , - i repeat it , you are right ; but in losing you , i lose my life 雖然我不曾明言,不曾發誓,而我早已把自己的生命交給了你。你要離開我,你這樣做是對的我再說一遍,你是對的。但失去了你,我就失去了我的生命。 |
And , to give more weight to his protestation , caderousse advanced another step towards the abb , who remained motionless in his place , as calm as ever , and pursuing his interrogation 為了加重這句話的語氣,卡德魯斯又向神甫走近了一步,神甫一動不動地站在他原來的地方,態度很鎮定,目光中帶著詢問的神色。 |
Regardless of their protestations to the contrary , nonprofit planners still begin too often with the needs of their own organization , not with the people they serve 不論他們如何矢口否認,非營利組織的策劃者通常還是從自己組織的需求出發,而不是從服務人群的需求出發。 |
Before the alabama was put to sea , the union government learned of its construction , but the protestations of the u . s . ambassador did not prevent it from sailing from liverpool 在阿拉巴馬號下海前,聯邦政府知道它已建成,但是美國大使并未明言阻止它從利物浦啟航。 |
The symptoms of the end of art such as de - apotheosization of art , commodification and the suicidal gestures of protestation are innate in the crisis of modernity 藝術終結的種種癥候,如藝術的非神圣化、商品化和自殺性的抗議姿態等,內在于現代性的危機之中。 |
Several persons hurried up to m . de villefort , who sat half bowed over in his chair , offering him consolation , encouragement , and protestations of zeal and sympathy 有幾個人圍住那幾乎已癱倒在椅子里的維爾福先生,勸慰他,鼓勵他,對他表示關切和同情。 |
But his protestations nevertheless represented an unusual degree of expiation by a pope , whose views on some issues can be proclaimed infallible 不過他的聲明還是象征著教皇的一種不同尋常的補償,教廷曾宣稱教皇有關一些議題的觀點一貫正確。 |
Clifford s protestations made her go cold from head to foot . mrs bolton s voice made her go cold , and the sound of the business men who came 克利福的主張使她全身發冷,波太太的聲音和那些到家里來的企業界的人們的聲音,使她發冷。 |
The vengeance and jacques three vied with each other in their fervent protestations that she was the most admirable and marvellous of witnesses 復仇女神和雅克三號彼此爭先恐后地肯定她是最值得尊重,也是最精采的證人。 |
Not always can flowers , pearls , poetry , protestations , nor even home in another heart , content the awful soul thatdwellsin clay 鮮花珍珠詩歌誓約,甚至在愛人心中建立的家,這一切都不能永遠滿足人體內躁動的靈魂 |
There was the will , however , to hinder that , and my loud protestations against any infringement of its directions 無論如何,遺囑阻止那樣行事,我也高聲抗議,反對任何違反遺囑指示的行為。 |
But for the first time he refused to reiterate past protestations that chrysler was not for sale 但是,如今他第一次不再重申其過去不會出售克萊斯勒的斷言。 |
But for the first time he refused to reiterate past protestations that chrysler was not for sale 但是,如今他破天荒地不再重申不會出售克萊斯勒的斷言。 |
She wanted something , but no man should buy her by false protestations or favour 她有需求,但是任何男人也別指望用花言巧語或者小恩小惠來收買她。 |
The meeting ended with protestations of friendship and cooperation from everyone 會議在全體與會者共同發出彼此友好合作的聲音下結束。 |