
protestantism n.1.新教;耶穌教。2.〔集合詞〕新教徒。3.新教徒的...


In the 18th century , following the emergence of rationalism in the west , materialism and atheism began to spread , so much so that even some philosophers went as far as to proclaim that god is dead . even then , catholicism and protestantism , which have been constantly adapting to changing environment , have not been reduced to non - existence by these external pressures 西方從18世紀理性主義抬頭,發展唯物論無神論,還有哲學家說“上帝已死” ,但不斷調適的天主教與基督教也沒有被壓縮得消失。以東方文化來說,尤其漢民族,是很特別的。

The article thinks that the current protestantism teacher education must do an adjustment for correspond for the idea , target , teaching mode , teaching method and means etc . of the training on the foundation education in analyzing the foundation education reform background under the necessity of the protestantism teacher training and shortages of the current protestantism teacher training , the paper put forward two speculations to improve the protestantism teacher ' s training result and strategies 摘要分析了基礎教育改革背景下新教師培訓的必要性以及當前新教師培訓模式存在的不足,認為當前新教師教育必須在原來的基礎上就培訓的觀念、目標、教學模式、教學方法和手段等做出相應的調整,提出了改進新教師培訓模式的兩點設想,并探討了新模式的實施策略。

There have been credible reports of deaths due to torture and abuse . the communities of the five official religions - - buddhism , islam , taoism , catholicism and protestantism - - coexist without significant friction ; however , in some parts of the country relations between registered and unregistered christian churches are tense 五大類官方宗教群體佛教、伊斯蘭教、道教、天主教和新教和睦并存,沒有出現明顯摩擦;但在中國某些地方,已登記和非登記在冊的基督教會之間的關系緊張。

Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848 ' s revolution , prussian protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism 在1848年革命政教分離的形勢下,它反而更加依賴國家,以后就越來越成為那個時代的政治附屬品,以致于在民族主義潮流中隨聲附和。

While playing an inglorious role in modern chinese history , western catholicism and protestantism manipulated and controlled chinese churches turning them into the appendages to western religious orders and mission societies 西方天主教、基督教在中國近代史上被利用來充當這些不光彩角色的同時,還操縱、控制中國教會,使中國教會變成西方修會、差會的附庸。

According to statistics the data manifestation , annually national and high school complement of protestantism teachers are or so all in 10 myriad peoples , but 2004 , the doctor that whole country graduation livings only 2 . 35 myriad peoples 根據統計資料顯示,每年全國高校補充的新教師都在10萬人左右,而2004年,全國畢業的博士生只有2 . 35萬人。

International education center sets primary russian staff room , russian to raise teaching and research section of law of class staff room , liberal art staff room , science teaching and research section , protestantism and it lab 國際教育中心設有初級俄語教研室、俄語提高班教研室、文科教研室、理科教研室、新教法教研室和信息技術實驗室。

As linda colley , a british historian now at princeton , showed in her book “ britons : forging the nation ” , protestantism and war with france unified the kingdom in the 18th century 就像普林斯頓的一位歷史學家琳達?柯麗在她的那本《英國人:鍛造國家》里指出的, 18世紀的新教和英法戰爭使國家統一起來。

I am christian belief person , christian is protestantism , catholic it is to often teach . also do not have a substaintial distinction actually . you go christian meeting asks to know 我是基督教信仰者,基督教是新教,天主教是老教.其實也沒有根本質的區別.你去基督教會問問就知道了

I hope that you believe in protestantism , too . then we speak the same language , pray together everyday , love god together and help each other all our life 我希望,你也同樣是一名基督徒,我們志同道合,每天一起祈禱,敬拜上帝,在生活上相互幫助,相愛一生。做那美好的見證。

I hope that you believe in protestantism , too . then we speak the same language , pray together everyday , love god together and help each other all life 我盼望,你同樣是基督徒。我們志同道合,每天一起祈禱,敬拜上帝。在生活上,我們互相幫助。相愛一生。

Such a development creates a huge impact on catholicism and protestantism in the west , because this is in direct conflict with the doctrine that “ man is created by god “ 但是這個發展對西方的天主教與基督教就有大沖擊,因為牽涉到“上帝造人”的定義。

Such a development creates a huge impact on catholicism and protestantism in the west , because this is in direct conflict with the doctrine that man is created by god 但是這個發展對西方的天主教與基督教就有大沖擊,因為牽涉到“上帝造人”的定義。

Such a development creates a huge impact on catholicism and protestantism in the west , because this is in conflict with the doctrine that “ man is created by god “ 但是這個發展對西方的天主教與基督教就有大沖擊,因為牽涉到“上帝造人”的定義。

The communities of the five official religions - - buddhism , islam , taoism , catholicism and protestantism - - coexist without significant friction 五種官方承認的宗教群體佛教、伊斯蘭教、道教、天主教和新教和睦相處,沒有嚴重摩擦。

Christian is catholic , orthodoxy and protestantism in mediaeval in - house dissension 3 factional , and each other extreme misery nots allow 基督教在中世紀內部分裂為天主教、正教和新教三個派系,且彼此水火不容。

Even within protestantism , “ christian “ may refer to evangelicals who believe the bible or liberals who do not 即使在改革派基督徒中,基督徒可能指的是相信圣經的福音派,或是不相信圣經的自*由派(新派) 。

In china there are many religions which include buddhism , catholicism , protestantism , islam and a typical chinese religion , taoism 中國有很多宗教,如佛教、天主教、新教、伊斯蘭教和中國特有的宗教

Prussian protestantism could not get rid of the control of the nation in the process of the development of modernization 摘要普魯士新教教會在現代化進程中一直擺脫不了國家的控制。