
protectorate n.1.攝政的職位,攝政期間;〔the P-〕 護國公執...


In view of the present realistic condition , this paper launches below studies : firstly , taking the cultural relic protection method , the protection plan as well as the a series of related historical cultural heritage protection international joint pledge and the charter as the appraisal and the research foundation , carries on the classification to the protectorate existing cultural relic ruins influence essential factor , in this foundation , the corresponding plan premise and the rationale , which analyzes affects the essential factor disobeys to the ruins function and the above premise and the theory , determination investigation , research object 針對目前的現實狀況,本論文展開以下研究:第一以文物保護法、保護規劃以及一系列有關歷史文化遺產保護的國際公約與憲章為評價與研究的基礎,對保護區現有文物遺址影響要素進行分類,在此基礎上,對應規劃前提與理論基礎,分析哪些影響要素對遺址作用與上述前提與理論相悖,確定調查、研究對象。

In view of this , this part of main content includes not only the investigating , researching , analyzing the soft and hard essential factors in the ruins protectorate about quantity , characteristic , scope , but also affects which they lead to , the influence extent , the influence scope , how affects and so on the question 鑒于此,調查研究分析遺址保護區的軟、硬質影響要素的內容、要素本身具有的特點、要素的數量、范圍以及對遺址產生什么影響、影響程度、影響范圍、如何影響等問題成為這部分主要內容。第三

In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of ghana and exotic western law was complex , after independence ghana inherited the legal heritage of the protectorate british and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous law , so the process of legal modernization is tortuous 殖民時期加納本土法與外來的西方法之間關系錯綜復雜,獨立后的加納繼承了宗主國英國的法律遺產,重視發掘固有習慣法的價值,其現代化歷程可謂曲折發展。

Classified as a state cultural and historical protectorate , shamian island is endowed with a rich history represented by the british and french settlements here in the early 20th century which can be seen in the hundred - year - old european - style architecture 從19世紀中葉的匯豐銀行,到1895年的“維多利亞大酒店” ,再到今天的廣東勝利賓館,她經歷了超過一百年的風雨和滄桑歷史,不愧為中國歷史最悠久的商務酒店之一。

Secondly , in the large - scale ruins protectorate , the society produces the function to the ruins through influence essential factor which has the function to the ruins , so the ruins protectorate society regulations is to these influence essential factors regulation in fact 在大型遺址保護區,社會對遺址產生作用的載體是眾多對遺址產生作用的影響要素,遺址保護區社會調控實質是對這些影響要素的調控。

During the japanese occupation era , anping was divided into 5 protectorates with the head of the protectorate named protector . the protector under japanese officials approval was allowed the license to sell opium and cigarettes ; this was the protectors privilege 日本時代安平以菜市仔路為中心編制五個保正,保正可以獲取日本官方許可的鴉片煙牌賣鴉片,也可賣煙草,作為保正的特權。

Between 1945 and 1954 the french , who before the war had established a protectorate in indochina , fought against the vietnamese nationalists , led by ho chi minh , who reclaimed independance 1945年至1954年間,戰前作為印度支那“保護國”的法國,與胡志明領導的,要求獨立的越南民族主義者開戰,第一場印度支那戰爭1954年5月7日在奠邊府結束,越南獲勝。

At the chinese history cultural heritage protection level , the historic towns belong to historical culture protectorate category , which is a kind of precious historical culture resources 摘要在我國歷史文化遺產保護的層次中,古鎮屬于歷史文化保護區的范疇,是一種寶貴的歷史文化資源。

Center of the widespread malawi kingdom from the 15th to the late 18th century , the region became a british protectorate in 1891 and was known as nyasaland from 1907 until 1964 它是15世紀到18世紀晚期龐大的馬拉維王國的中心, 1891年變為英國的一個保護國, 1907至1964年被稱作尼亞薩蘭。

The british protectorate of bechuanaland declares its independence , and becomes the republic of botswana . seretse khama takes office as the first president 1966年的今天,美國的攝政國貝專納宣布獨立,并成為博茨瓦納共和國,瑟瑞特茲?哈馬成為首任總統。

After eight years as an international protectorate and billions of dollars in aid and reconstruction funds , its economic prospects are grim 經過8年受國際社會保護的歲月,花費了數十億美元的援助和重建資金,科索沃的經濟前景堪憂。

Inhabited since prehistoric times , most of the region became a german protectorate in 1891 and passed to the british in 1920 as tanganyika 自史前時代就有人類居住,在1891年該地區大部分成為德國的保護國。

A former british colony and protectorate of southern arabia , part of southern yemen ( now yemen ) since1967 亞丁以前為英國的殖民地及阿拉伯半島南部的一個保護國, 1967年以后是南也門(現也門)的一部分

England also wards off has the lake district and so on several dozens country parks and the scenery protectorate 英國還辟有湖區等幾十座國家公園和風景保護區。

The protectorate was so audacious as to provoke its controlling state in a game of twisting the lion ' s tail 這個保護國如此大膽,竟敢作冒犯其宗主國的嘗試。

Most of the weapons were then confiscated by the british protectorate government of bechuanaland 大部分武器當時都被英國扶植的貝專納保護國政府沒收充公了。

Sovereignty tiers include territory , protectorate , province , and constellation capital 主權層次包括領土、保護區、省、和星座首都。

This small country do not want to be a political orphan under a european protectorate 這個小國不愿意當歐洲保護關系下的政治孤兒。

Zanzibar , a narrow strip along the coast , was a british protectorate after 1890 在1920年又作為坦噶尼喀轉由英國人控制。