
protective adj.1.保護的,防護的。2.保護貿易的。adv.-l...

protective clothing

Heat detectors for fire protective signaling systems 消防信令系統的感熱探測器

Respiratory protective devices . list of equivalent terms 呼吸保護裝置.等義術語表

You ' ve got the nylon twill with dupont protective coating 保護外層是杜邦斜紋尼農

Practical use of fp - type racing bike protective device 型跑車防護裝置的實際應用

Smoke detectors for fire protective signaling systems 消防信號裝置和煙霧探測器

I want you to sit down on that protective plastic 我想讓你們坐在塑料保護膜上

Protective clothing . ensembles for protection against cold 防護服.防寒服裝大全

Smoke detectors for fire protective signaling systems 消防信號系統用煙霧探測器

A protective covering for the face or head 罩,防護罩用于臉或頭的保護性覆蓋物

On protective measures against bank safeguard 對浙江禁毒宣傳角建設的實踐與思考

Standard guide for labeling of uv - protective textiles 防紫外線織物標簽的標準指南

Protective coverings for electric cables - part 1 : general 電纜外護層第1部分:總則

Protective rubber gloves for radioactive contamination 放射性污染防護用橡膠手套

Network information security and protective measures 網絡信息安全隱患及防范對策

Proper procedures of using personal protective equipment 正確地使用個人防護裝備

Protective gloves for firefighters ; german version en 659 : 2003 消防員用防護手套

The simple truth was that elizabeth roffe had no protective shield, no armor against the terrible loneliness that engulfed her . 簡單的真實情況是:伊麗莎白羅菲沒有保護的盾牌,沒有盔甲來抵御向她卷來的那種可怕的孤獨。

Louisa mebbin adopted a protective elder-sister attitude towards money in general, irrespective of nationality or denomination . 路易莎梅賓在花錢的事上總是采取一種大姐式的保護態度,不論是花哪一國的錢,不論花多少。

The older male buffalo is dominant in the family group and very protective of the females with which he mates . 年長的公水牛在家族中屬統治地位,它們很善于保護與之交配的母水牛。