
protectionism n.【經濟學】保護貿易主義,保護主義,保護政策。adj....


There is increasing trade protectionism sentiment against china . textile will face a difficult road ahead 三是針對我國的貿易保護升溫,外貿環境不容樂觀。

Bankruptcies , recession , litigation , protectionism : sadly , all are possible in 2008 看來2008年會有好戲看:破產、衰退、訴訟、保護主義,一切皆有可能。

None of this is an excuse for protectionism ? unless you want to make everybody poorer 這些絕不能算作貿易保護主義的理由? ?除非你想讓所有人變窮。

“ at all costs we must not allow countries to retreat into narrow protectionism 無論如何,我們不能讓國家間的關系再退回到狹隘的保護主義中去。

None of this is an excuse for protectionism ? unless you want to make everybody poorer 除非你想使每個人變得更窮,否則這不是貿易保護的理由。

The sino - america trade relationship is shaded by the protectionism from america 來自美國的貿易保護主義使得中美貿易的發展蒙上了陰影。

The loss of effectiveness of the policy of . the relative trade deficit and protectionism of uu . s 美國相對貿易逆差與貿易保護政策的失靈

The cause of local protectionism and its influence on the middle part growing up strategy 地方保護主義的成因及其對中部崛起戰略的影響

The american tariff protectionism in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century 19世紀末20世紀初美國的關稅保護主義及其終結

China ' s growth and us protectionism : an economic effect of globalisation 中國的崛起和美國的貿易保護主義:來自全球化的經濟效益?

If protectionism will not help the losers , what about using the tax system 如果保護主義不能幫助失敗者,那么稅收系統能不能呢?

Local market disintegration and local protectionism in china : problems and policy recommendtions 論我國地方市場分割與地方保護

Trade protectionism begins to prevail when economyic depression occurs 事實表明,一旦經濟陷入衰退,貿易保護主義就會抬頭。

The policies of new trade protectionism adjusting china ' s foreign trade development 新貿易保護主義政策調整與我國外貿發展

Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up 不管保護主義與排外者在任何地方抬頭,都應該打壓。

Their party looks ever more susceptible to the siren call of protectionism 他們的聚會看起來越來越易受到保守黨的警報。

Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up 無論保護主義和排外主義何時出現都應當與之斗爭。

International protectionism and high - tech industries development in our country 國際技術保護主義與我國高技術產業發展

Super - protectionism in trade and value orientation of china s trade policy 20世紀西方公共教育政策價值取向的演進邏輯