
prostration n.1.拜倒;平伏。2.疲勞;【醫學】虛脫,衰弱。短語和...


If the prayer consists of two rakaats , in the second rakaat after the second prostration , sit again with both hands on the thighs , seated on the left foot , with the toes of the right foot touching the ground ( for women , sit with left foot on right foot & toes touching the ground ) , and look at the thighs 如果所作的是兩拜,在第二拜兩次叩頭后跪坐,雙手放腿上,鋪平左腳作墊坐,立起右腳,伴在右臀邊(女子斜坐,左條腳放在右條腳上,腳趾皆貼地) ,雙手平放腿上,眼看大腿。

He went home and quickly bought some fresh grass laughter as an offering to the master on the west side . he laid the grass before the master and prostrated . “ please accept the prostration and modest gift from this humble servant and ignorant being 他回家了以后,趕快去買新鮮的草大眾笑,趕快把它拿來供養那位住在西邊的師父,拿草放在他那邊,拜下去說:我頂禮您,這個奴隸傭人無明的眾生,祈求您接受我的一點好意,然后保護我和我的家庭,給我一點智慧福報,這個很小又弱的奴隸非常感恩師父。

Therefore , spiritual practice is the highest science . if you practice the quan yin method with me , you will be practicing the highest science and logic . it is not a superstition or a prostration to deities or spirits for merit 所以修行就是最高的科學,跟師父修觀音法門是最高等的科學最高等的邏輯,不是那種迷信,拜拜什么求福報,神神鬼鬼秘秘神神迷迷糊糊的那種東西,然后笨腳笨手在那里跳來跳去,講亂七八糟什么事情,自己也不了解自己講什么,那個是著魔。

But , also physical offerings such as prostration , mandala offering and mantra recitation , which will transform us into better human beings who will benefit everyone who is associated with us , directly or indirectly 它還包括一些行為上的供養,像是跪拜供養壇城以及持咒。這些都將使我們轉變為一種更好的個體并帶給我們周遭所有的人直接或間接的利益。

One day when i was reproaching him for his unavailing searches , and deploring the prostration of mind that followed them , he looked at me , and , smiling bitterly , opened a volume relating to the history of the city of rome 有一天,我埋怨他不該作這種于事無益的搜尋,以致把自己弄得身心疲憊,他看了看我,然后苦笑著打開一大卷述及羅馬城歷史的書。

This state is characterized by deelopment of seere gastroenteritis with dehydration , electrolyte imbalance , acidosis , shock , hypoglycemia and prostration which may end up fatally 這種狀態特征為嚴重的胃腸炎伴脫水、電解質紊亂、酸中毒、休克、低鉀和虛脫,如不及時治療最終會導致死亡。

The method of worshipping the fire spirit involved lighting a big fire at the time of sunset and making prostrations to it until midnight , when the fire was extinguished 事奉火神的方法,就是當太陽剛剛要落山時,點燃一堆大火,向火光跪拜,直到深更半夜火熄為止。

“ thanks , thanks , “ said monte cristo , judging from the steward s utter prostration that he could not stretch the cord further without danger of breaking it “謝謝,謝謝, ”基督山說道,他從那位管家失魂落魄的樣子上判斷出,他不能再把弦拉緊了,再緊便有繃斷的危險。

The five great preliminary practices are well - known to do just that . they are water offerings , prostrations , vajrasattva practice , guru yoga and mandala offerings 這五大前行包括了水供養大禮拜修習金剛薩?法門修持本尊瑜珈以及供養壇城。

Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching , sarawak , malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha 馬來西亞,砂撈越,古晉的弟子楊惟欽提供了一個向藥師佛十二大愿禮拜的儀軌。

The mannite that extracted from kelp is the first aid medicine to treat acute kidney function prostration , encephalitis , acute glaucoma etc . 從海帶中提取的甘露醇,是治療急性腎功能衰竭、腦炎、急性青光眼等病的急救藥。

But it will be very dreadful , with this feeling of hunger , faintness , chill , and this sense of desolation - this total prostration of hope 但是帶著這種饑餓昏眩寒冷凄楚的感覺一一種絕望的心情,那著實可怕。

Fifth , you should make prostration to the buddha of the ten directions , to the buddha of whichever direction in which you are heading 第五你應該禮拜十方諸佛,尤其是你成就佛部的部主。

Prescribed genuflections and prostrations accompany the prayers , which the worshiper recites facing toward mecca 被規定的屈膝和疲勞伴隨禱告,崇拜者背誦飾面往麥加。

They made a halt at seven o clock , the young woman being still in a state of complete prostration 七點鐘,他們停下來休息。這位年輕的女人一直是昏昏沉沉不省人事。

This includes putting buddha images in a place of respect and making prostration and offerings and so on 這包括了在清凈的地方供奉佛像,誠心禮拜,供養等等。

Prostration and vajrasattva practice offering practice and mandala offering 大禮拜及金剛薩?凈業法門

Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration 有兩名賽跑選手因虛脫而倒下了

I made prostrations and circumambulations to the belt 我向這圣帶行禮拜及禮繞。