
prostrate adj.1.(為表示屈服)拜倒在地下的。2.打敗了的,屈...


The prisoners were forced to lie prostrate in front of their captors 囚犯們被迫在逮捕他們的那些人面前臥倒

Or the attitude of prostrate . . 或者衰竭沮喪的姿態…

It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant 巍然屹立在一個趴著的無頭怪物身上。

The wretched slaves prostrated themselves before their master 可憐的奴隸們拜倒在他們的主人面前。

They prostrated themselves before the altar 他們平伏在祭壇前。

They prostrated themselves before the king 他們拜倒在國王的腳下。

I ' ll stay here for a year and make the guy prostrate 我要住上一年院,讓那小子吃不了兜著走!

He prostrated himself before rank and wealth 他屈服于地位和財富。

The slave was forced to lie prostrate in front of his master 那名奴隸被逼倒伏在主人面前。

We should not prostrate ourselves before rank and wealth 我們決不能拜倒在功名與財富腳下。

The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees 臺風吹倒了無數棵小樹苗。

This was a blow : but i did not let it prostrate me 這是一個打擊,但我不讓它擊倒我。

Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate 蘇美爾和它的偉大文明衰竭了。

The competitors were prostrated by the heat 競賽者們由于天氣炎熱而力不從心

The illness left her prostrate for several weeks 這場病把她拖倒了幾個星期。

That giant tree was laid prostrate by the violent typhoon 那棵大樹被強臺風吹倒。

She is found prostrate on the floor of the cell 有人發現她趴在小屋的地板上。

As he sang , he danced and prostrated 他一邊這樣唱歌,一邊跳舞一邊頂禮下去。

The captives prostrated themselves before the conqueror 俘虜們俯伏在征服者面前。