
prost int.為…健康干杯!祝你健康!〔尤指德國人祝酒時的用語...


Sometimes , we give students much practice , replacing the explanations of the text . this kind of teaching makes it a big problem to cany out modem prost reading in our teaching of chinese , which results in the fact that students ca n ' t get good marks in reading comprehension in the nmet 散文閱讀教學的重點是培養學生感受、理解、欣賞和評價散文的能力,情境教學則根據散文內容,通過各種手段創設情境,引導學生感受文中情感,理解散文內涵,培養審美情趣,提高散文閱讀能力。

He is a four - time f1 world champion and damn near other four times ! . he won 51 grands prix , made 41 fastest laps and gained 798 . 5 championship points . all are records unbroken for 8 years after prost s retirement 他勝出51站格蘭披治賽, 41次造出最快圈速,奪得798 . 5總績分,這全部均是保持至退休后八年之久的驕人紀錄

I would not allow in china a dirty f1 . the stain ayrton senna made on f1 , by so nearly killing alain prost in suzuka to win the 1990 world championship , is still there 1990年日本鈴鹿賽站,喪心病狂的冼拿塞納為求謀取世界冠軍,喪盡天良地以極高速撞向保魯斯的法拉利戰車

Former prost drivers , nick heidfeld and olivier panis , finished in 13th and 14th positions respectively . olivier suffered from a slow start after doing very well in qualifying 班尼于排位賽表現優異,獲排第八位出賽,可惜比賽時起步有問題而影響了成績

Then , of course , if “ renault “ as a team has ever been any wiser , they would probably have won the world championship as early as in 1984 - with alain prost 當然, “雷諾“從來就不是精明的車隊,要不是它早在1984年便可由保魯斯奪得世界冠軍了

Want , from a web page . the alain prost grand prix homepage is a result of careful research and thoughtful consideration . it loads fast 我知道你想要甚么,不想要甚么,網頁下載速度快,適合任何大于640的水平解像度顯示

Remember to give me your feedback at fans contact point , and start surfing through other related links . want a book written on alain prost 你也可到“連結“以便瀏覽其他友站,或到“商品搜集“尋找你心愛的保魯斯商品

Renault sacked prost after he narrowly lost the 1983 world title because , and only because , of a mechanical failure 1983年保魯斯只是因機械故障僅僅未能當上世界冠軍,雷諾竟然馬上就開除了保魯斯

In recent years i collected some good photos of alain prost . to celebrate apgphp s moving to a new server i ll show some of them in this 近年我搜集了好一些保魯斯的相片,讓我在此與大家分享吧

You cannot expect him to do what alain prost did in kyalami 93 - alain won his first race after a sabbatical year 我相信今站要是由杜里尼參賽的話,英美車隊的畢頓應不能領先他接近一整圈的

Originally he was 8th on the grid . i feel very sorry that another former prost driver , jarno trulli , did not race in china 最遺憾的是另一名前保魯斯車隊車手杜里尼未有參加此比賽

The way ayrton senna hit alain prost in suzuka 89 , except that he didn t put half his car over the kerb like senna did 但米高在排位賽時已失手打轉,比賽時更撞到積架車隊的基利恩

Learn more about the professor from his personal profile , and his team from the prost gp page 繼續到“檔案“及“保魯斯車隊“ ,認識多一些保魯斯及他的成就

Born on july 1 , 96 , it was meant to be a meeting point for fans of alain prost 目的是要成為保魯斯車迷的聯絡站,新增了“菜單“及更新了首頁

The first thing you should do is to check out the exciting databases i have made for alain prost 請先看看本網站多個豐富的保魯斯資料庫

This page can always use other good pictures of prost . i shall be grateful if you can send me more 如果你有保魯斯的靚相,記得寄給我

Prost , german gp 保魯斯,德國站

Who is alain prost 保魯斯是誰

Prost , monaco gp 保魯斯,摩納哥站