
prosperity n.興隆,繁榮,旺盛; 〔pl.〕順遂,幸福 (opp....


Happily for america's future independence, britain's new tax policy after 1763 struck deeply at the roots of urban prosperity . 1763年以后,英的新稅務政策予城市的繁榮以根本的嚴重打擊,這一舉動對美國未來的獨立大有好處。

He could command men's respect in times of prosperity but not their love and devotion to a great vision during times of adversity . 他在繁榮時期能夠得到人們尊敬,但在逆境中得不到人們對于一個偉大幻象的熱愛與虔誠。

By the summer of 1932, most americans were now somewhat weary of the president's talk about prosperity being just around the corner . 到1932年夏天,大多數美國人這時對總統關于繁榮即將到來的言論多少有些厭倦。

He was the same thin, pleasant, alert, rather agreeable soul that he had been in the heday of his clerkly prosperity . 他還是和做職員正得意的全盛時期一樣,是一個瘦削、高興、靈活、和藹可親的家伙。

It must be confessed that fortune had favored doctor sloper, and that he had found the path to prosperity very soft to his tread . 必須承認,斯洛珀醫生福星高照,在通往榮華的道路上一帆風順。

America was on the road to prosperity never dreamed of before and detroit was the promise of the limitless future . 美國正在走向以前連做夢也沒想到的繁榮,而底特律正是無限前途的搖籃。

It must be confessed that fortune had favored him, and that he had found the path to prosperity very soft to his tread . 必須承認,他福星高照,在通往榮華的道路上一帆風順。

He believed fervently that american progress and prosperity depended upon private initiative and striving . 他強烈相信美國的進步與繁榮,有賴于私人的首創精神和努力奮斗。

As git often said, his great misfortune turned out to be the source of all his subsequent prosperity . 正如吉特常常說的,他的最大不幸反而成了他后來一切興旺的源泉。

Bank loans during the prosperity decade did not keep pace with the rising level of economic activity . 十年繁榮期間的銀行貸款沒有隨著經濟活動水平的提高而增長。

A basic stimulant of prosperity in the 1920's was expansion in the construction industry after 1918 . 二十年代繁榮的基本刺激因素是1918年以后建筑工業的擴展。

The hop ranch that he had last seen in the full tide of prosperity was almost a ruin . 他上一回去的時候,這忽布園正茂盛非凡,如今可差不多全部毀壞了。

I beg of you to consider it, and do not stand in the way of your own safety and prosperity . 我求你把這事仔細想一想,不要妨礙了自己的安全和幸福。

There are some natures that are improved and softened by prosperity and kindness . 世上有一些人的性格,成功和仁慈使它們更加溫和敦厚,與人為善。

She basked in the prosperity of the school like a purring tabby cat . 她就象個悠然自得的,咕嚕咕嚕叫的雌貓一樣,沉浸在這所學校的繁榮昌盛之中。

The programs for european economic recovery were expected to bring about lasting prosperity . 恢復歐洲經濟的各種計劃,都是為了帶來持久的繁榮。

Here is the mark of savages, the testament of wasters, the stain of prosperity . 這就是野蠻人的特征,這就是浪費者的確證,這就是繁榮的恥辱。

Already he had lost that ruddy bulk which had been added during the days of his prosperity . 他早已喪失了他得意時候所得來的紅潤的氣色。

The toil and resources of the poorer nations pay for the prosperity of the affluent peoples . 窮國既出勞力又出資源,換來了富國的繁榮。