
prosecutor n.(fem. -trix ) (pl. -trices...


Prosecutors say a dogfighting operation occurred on his property 指控者指出其在家經營斗狗。

She was a prosecutor but we , re historic family 雖然她曾經是檢查官但我們也是聲名顯赫的家族啊

The prosecutor had an ace in the hole : an eyewitness 檢舉人有秘密武器(神秘王牌) :目擊者。

And supported by the seoul district public prosecutor ' s office , 并得到了漢城地方檢察院的支持

Oh , i know you . “ the prosecutor was a little upset 你以為自己很了不起,我很清楚你的為人。

Basic training for newly appointed district prosecutors 為新入職的地區檢察官提供基本訓練;

There isn ' t a prosecutor in the state who ' ll go after senator roark 參議員羅克有巨大的勢力

People look on female prosecutor with a jaundiced eye 人們總是帶著有色眼鏡看待女性檢查官

Prosecutors say the pair wanted to kidnap her baby boy 檢察官表示,他們想綁架她的男嬰。

The warden and the prosecutor want to know if it ' s over 典獄長和檢查官想問你們完了沒有

Mr . prosecutor says we don ' t have enough evidence 檢察官說我們證據不足

So i asked the prosecutors , “ let ' s grant him his wish 所以我請求原告, “讓我們成全他。

We need to have the report for the prosecutor 我們需要給檢察官一份報告

Prosecutors say the pair wanted to kidnap her baby boy 檢舉人說他們是想綁架她的孩子。

Court prosecutors department of justice association 律政司法庭檢控主任會

The prosecutor nailed the evidence to the suspect 檢查官將證據和嫌疑犯聯系到了一起。

Prosecutor : your honor , my opponent is a liar 公訴人:法官大人,我的對手是個說謊者!

. . . i did better back in school than those prosecutors 我在學校時成績可比那些檢察官好

The files will be given to a prosecutor this morning 該文件將在今天上午交予檢察官。