
prose n.1.散文 (opp. verse )。2.平凡,單調...


The novel , he argues , is about the elevation of prose 他把小說看成是散文的升華。

The results on this prose document are somewhat mixed 這段文檔上的結果稍嫌混雜。

On the form of life in wang meng ' s prose in the new era 王蒙新時期散文的生命形態

In prose the word would sound affected 如果用在散文中,這個詞會顯得矯揉造作。

Literary style change and modern prose of development 文體變革與現代散文的發展

The cultural contrary in the prose written by wang chongl 王充閭散文中的文化悖論

On shen yazhi ' s creation of prose in the tang dynasty 論唐代文人沈亞之的散文創作

On the revolution in prose style in 1990s 論二十世紀九十年代學者散文的體式革命

The basic theme and aesthetic taste in yu da - fu ' s sad prose 論郁達夫的舊體詩情結

I love classical music , prose poetry and art 我愛好古典音樂、散文詩以及藝術。

Probe into japanese images in modern chinese prose 中國現代散文中的日本形象探微

Looking at the world in compassion - lin qing - xuan and his prose 林清玄和他的散文

The interpretation of feng zikai ' s prose cultural spirit 豐子愷散文文化精神解讀

The image of the hui ethnic minorities in feng zhi ' s prose 馮至散文中的回族印象

Ai qing ' s aesthetic theory of prose in verse revisited 再談艾青的詩歌散文美理論

Finally there are to be noted the austere prose statements and arguments of the scientific literature as it was written by aristotle . 最后要提到的是,亞里士多德所寫的有關科學文獻中嚴格的、散文式的陳述和論證。

Yet the genius of french life was not altogether confined to these noble exercises; a fine and flexible prose appeared . 但是法國生活的天才并沒有完全局限在這些高雅的磨練里,而出現了一種優美而柔和的散文。

The juxtaposition was not america-europe, but “my ideal home-world of poetry, and the outer, tangible prose world“ . 問題不是美國和歐洲孰輕孰重,而是“我的理想的詩的世界,還是外面實在的散文的世界”。

By then he was internationally known for such works in prose and verse as “hyperion“ (1839), “voice of the night“ (1839) . 那時他已以下列詩文作品蜚聲國際:《海皮里昂》(1839),《夜吟》(1839)。