
prosaic adj.1.散文的,散文體的 (opp. poetic ...


And it was the touch of the imperfect upon the would - be perfect that gave the sweetness , because it was that which gave the humanity . clare had studied the curves of those lips so many times that he could reproduce them mentally with ease : and now , as they again confronted him , clothed with colour and life , they sent an aura over his flesh , a breeze through his nerves , which wellnigh produced a qualm ; and actually produced , by some mysterious physiological process , a prosaic sneeze 克萊爾已經把她的兩片嘴唇的曲線研究過許多次了,因此他在心里很容易就能夠把它們再現出來此刻它們就出現在他的面前,紅紅的嘴唇充滿了生氣,它們送過來一陣清風,吹過他的身體,這陣清風吹進了他的神經,幾乎使他顫栗起來實在的情形是,由于某種神秘的生理過程,這陣清風讓他打了一個毫無詩意的噴嚏。

The afars say their real concerns are more prosaic : water , grazing and salt , which for centuries has been mined from the danakil depression ( in parts more than 300 metres below sea level ) and taken up into ethiopia ' s highlands by camel caravan 阿法斯人說他們實際關注的只是民生問題:水,牧業和鹽,這些物資幾個世紀以來都是從達納基爾低地(部分地區低于海平面300米)獲得并用駝隊運至埃塞俄比亞的高地。

This may be due in part to the dearth of historical sources , but i suspect it is also due in part to a relative disinclination amongst scholars to study a topic that might be considered prosaic and commonplace . in the case of the ,一個優秀的歷史學家總是因為能顧及整體(即便是不清晰地或不直接地)而將小事情寫得出色;而一個蹩腳的歷史學家則因分不清整體與部分的聯系,總是將部分視為孤立的部分。 ”

Or he would relate his dreams which , so far as i could see , were thoroughly insipid , prosaic , hardly worth even the attention of a freudian , but , for him , there were vast esoteric marvels hidden in their depths which i had to aid him to decipher 照我看這些夢十分平淡無奇,甚至不值得一位弗洛伊德主義者去費神,可是他自己卻認為這都是深藏不露、奧秘難測的奇觀,因而我一定要幫他解析這些夢。

When it had been day aloft for some little while it became day in the wood . directly the assuring and prosaic light of the world s active hours had grown strong she crept from under her hillock of leaves , and looked around boldly 在世界上這個充滿活力的時候,天上使人放心的平凡的光明已經變得強烈了,她立刻從那一堆樹葉中爬了出來,大著膽子查看了一下四周。

Another more prosaic example is the pc that has a base cpu and lots of processors on things such as its modem that is , if it isn t a winmodem or its graphics or sound card 另一個普通常見的例子就是在一臺普通pc ,雖然其中只有一個基本的cpu ,但是卻還有許多處理器分布在諸如modem (當然不是指winmodem ) 、圖形卡、聲卡等等設備上。

But they also made a more prosaic joint plea to mr hain to ensure that separate water bills will not be issued for the first time in northern ireland , which would have occurred without a deal 他們也向海恩提出了一個更為實在的聯合請求,以確保在沒有協議的情況下可能會實施的獨立水法不會首次在北愛頒布。

Now that lasers are found in everything from telephone cables to dvd players to the humble laser pointer , they have become almost prosaic ( commonplace or dull ) 從通訊電纜到激光播放機,再到微型激光筆,到處都有激光,人們已經習以為常。

The main theoretic defect of ai qing ' s “ the prosaic beauty of poetry “ is that it slurs the boundary between the linguistic form of poetry and that of prose 艾青《詩的散文美》一文的理論缺失主要在于其抹殺了詩與散文語言形式的界限。

Ai qing ' s advocacy for prosaic beauty of poetry would lead to the exile of poetic linguistic formal beauty and the flood of prosaism in poetry 提倡“詩的散文美” ,其消極的影響是導致詩的語言形式美的放逐、詩的散文化的泛濫。

The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location : a parking garage on the outer ring of the city 第一組、也是規模最大的一組照片拍攝于一個十分“平凡”的地點:市郊的一個停車場。

The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location : a parking garage on the outer ring of the city 第一組也是規模最大的一組照片拍攝于一個十分“平凡”的地點:市郊的一個停車場。

A modern day physicist would use the typically prosaic phrase “ big bang “ to describe what certainly must be essentially the same phenomenon 現代物理學家所用的平實術語大爆炸來描述這個基本現象。

Through such seemingly prosaic patriotism education , the children have become more diligent and eager to learn 通過看似平淡的鄭成功愛國主義教育,孩子們變得更加勤奮好學、堅忍不拔。

Romantic types might say they seek the perfect soulmate but the revealed truth is more prosaic 浪漫型的人士可能聲稱自己在尋覓完美無暇的紅顏知己,然而,呈現的真相卻十分平淡無奇。

The w3c xml schema working group offers a very thorough and prosaic introduction to the technology in 中對這種技術作了透徹而淺顯的介紹。

Prosaic as it might sound , the first thing most people look at is the price 那就象散文一樣的動聽,事實上第一件事人們盯住的就是價格。

Still have read a class , still have colloquial class , there still is prosaic class finally 還有閱讀課,還有口語課,最后還有散文課。

China also has more prosaic reasons for encouraging trade 中國自己還有更現實的理由去鼓勵和加強中朝兩國的雙邊貿易。