
propriety n.1.妥當,適宜,適當;正當,恰當。2.禮節; 〔th...

proprio motu

We should observe the proprieties 我們應該遵守禮節。

Be careful to observe the proprieties 注意遵守禮儀

That prides itself on propriety .引以為豪的正統的傳統

On xu fuguan ' s thought of propriety 論徐復觀的禮學思想

Packing condition means materials for and propriety of packing 包裝情況:填包裝材料與包裝狀況是否良好。

Native place of confucius and mencius “ and “ the land of ceremony and propriety “ 為“孔孟之鄉、禮儀之邦“ 。

Speaking of propriety , it is better to be frugal than extravagant 說到禮,與其奢華浪費,不如儉約些好。

Analysis of propriety ideology of lao zi 論老子的禮學思想

On benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom , trust , honest and responsibility 仁義禮智信忠孝新論

On xun zi ' s thought of ruling by propriety 荀子的禮治思想

Are you lost to every feeling of propriety and delicacy 難道你一點兒沒有分寸,一點兒也不知廉恥嗎?

. . . that prides itself on propriety . . .引以為豪的正統的傳統

The propriety of problem - solving analysis 解題分析要恰如其分

Governor swann : there , see , at least the boy has a sense of propriety 看,至少這男孩處事很恰當

Secondly , exchanges should be appropriate , a sense of propriety 其次,交往要適當,要有分寸。

The development trace of propriety and law before the qin dynasty 禮與法在先秦時期的發展脈絡

I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request 我懷疑答應這項要求是否合適。

Her use of obscene language offends against the proprieties 她使用下流的語言是很失禮的事

At least the boy has a sense of propriety 至少這個孩子懂得什么叫禮貌