
proprietor n.1.所有人;業主。2.地主;【美史】(獨立前,英王特...


At last , i also would like to wish my proprietor have a happy and healthy life 最后我也要祝福我的業主生活更美滿,安康!

Personal particulars of proprietor or partner and allocation of profits loss 東主或合人的個人資料和利潤虧損分配表

Proprietor : wei wei company 業主:維維集團

Applicants can be sole proprietors , partnerships or limited companies 申請機構可以是獨資經營合經營,或有限公司。

Can the proprietor of a business entitle to the basic or other tax allowances 公司的東主可否獲得基本及其他免稅額

Personal particulars of proprietor or partner and allocation of profits 東主或合人的個人資料和利潤虧損分配表

1 . applications for business or branch registration by sole proprietors 1 .申請獨資經營業務的商業或分行登記;

Proprietor : guangzhou art museum 業主:廣州美術館

The proprietor is the president or chairman of the reinvestment 2 .該負責人為該轉投資事業之董事長或總經理。

Complaints about standards of service should be addressed to the proprietor 對服務態度有意見者可向老板投訴

“ well , you can suit yourself , mr . wheeler , “ said the proprietor “那么,你看著辦吧,惠勒先生。 ”店主說。

If the sole proprietor or 如獨資東主或合業務中的

Employees shall attend the training courses provided by the proprietor 雇員必須參加由東主提供的訓練課程。

We ' re obliged to the proprietor 老板讓我們在商店購物

Complaint about standard of service shall be addressed to the proprietor 對服務態度有意見者可向老板投訴。

Prelimiary exploration of social definition for proprietors of private enterprises 私營企業主社會定位初探

Self - employed a sole proprietor or a partner of a partnership business 自雇人士(東主或合業務的合人)

When filling in the names of the proprietor or partners , enter the 填寫東主或合人的姓名時,先寫

Proprietor : guangzhou academy of fine arts 業主:廣州美術學院