
proposer n.申請者,提議者,建議者,提案國。


Thus , this paper aims to study both emerson ' s advocacy of the cultivation of the individual through his immersion in nature and emerson ' s social concern with tradition , science , and religion to illustrate that he is not merely a great priest of nature but also an acute proposer for social reforms 本?文?只研究愛默森所主張的天人合一,也特透過探討其對傳統、科學與宗教的改革呼吁, ?明其社會關懷,以應證愛默森?但是大自然的祭司,也是熱衷的社會改革者。

Thus , this paper aims to study both emerson ' s advocacy of the cultivation of the individual through his immersion in nature and emerson ' s social concern with tradition , science , and religion to illustrate that he is not merely a great priest of nature but also an acute proposer for social reforms 本?文?只研究愛默森所主張的天人合一,也特透過探討其對常規、科學與宗教的改革呼吁, ?明其社會關懷,以應證愛默森?但是大自然的祭司,也是熱衷的社會改革者。

For the reasons of proposer , such as proposer want to cancel application , apply for refusal made by consulate , or terminate case , japan consulate will not return all materials and our office will also not return service expence 如因申請人方面的原因,要求中途撤消申請,或申請被領事館拒簽、終止受理等情況,所有簽證資料日本領事館將不予退回,本公司亦不予退回服務費。

Insurance payment received by the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or annuity in which the beneficiary and the proposer are not the same person and the life insurance policy and annuities are contracted after this act coming into force 二、本條例施行后所訂立受益人與要保人非屬同一人之人壽保險及年金保險,受益人受領之保險給付。

Generally speaking , passport and visa will be drawn by proposer . as for special instance , it can be drawn by other people with the certification issued by proposer or proposer ' s company 護照及簽證一般由本人到我司領取,如遇特殊情況,可由申請人或申請人所在單位出具證明委托他人到我司領取。

People in general thought him a lunatic , and blamed his reform club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer 大家都認為福克是個怪人,是個瘋子。跟他打賭的那些會員,也受到人們的責難,人們認為想出這種打賭辦法的人腦子也有毛病。

Though proposers consistently chose the highest possible number of raisins for themselves , responders rarely rejected even the stingiest offers 雖然,建議者總是給它們自己選擇有最多數目的葡萄干,但哪怕是面對最小氣的建議,回答者幾乎沒有拒絕。

Individual usually is as a proposer and maker of the inventions and discoveries . in our long history , there is filled with unnumbered such examples 1個人通常是一個發明或發現的提出者。在歷史長河中,有很多這樣的例子。

If a winning name is proposed by more than one person , the book coupons for the winning name will be shared equally amongst the proposers of the name 如同一優勝名字超過一人提名,則書券由該名字的提名人均分。

Our office will audit and then submit to japan consulate in two days after receiving the complete material issued by proposer 我司在收到申請人提供的齊全資料后,一般情況下在二天內審核并將材料遞交日本領館。

But this argument can at best explain why proposers offer large amounts , not why responders reject low offers 但是,這個論點只能解釋為什麼提議者會出高價吸引對方,卻不能解釋為什麼回答者會拒絕太低的價碼。

Proposer of each of the 2 winning names will be awarded a trophy , a certificate and book coupons worth hk $ 5 , 000 優勝獎兩個,分別獎予兩個優勝名字的提名人士,各得獎杯、證書及港幣5 , 000元的書券。

The proposer in person for business or professional purposes are covered in all cases 投保車輛由投保人駕駛用作私人商務或普通用途均屬保障范圍內。

Proposer of each of the 4 standby names will be awarded a trophy and a certificate 另設4個特別獎予4個后備名字的提名人,各得獎杯及證書。

Suggestions must not be patented or intended to be patented by the proposer . ) (建議必定是未經專利注冊,而建議人亦無意為建議注冊專利。

Suggestions must not be patented or intended to be patented by the proposer (建議必定是未經專利注冊,而建議人亦無意為建議注冊專利。

The proposer of an adjournment debate is entitled to a minimum of five minutes speaking time 提出休會辯論的議員有權發言最少5分鐘。

A proposer must not subsequently seek to change the subject matter of the debate 提出休會辯論的議員其后不得要求更改辯論的主題。

Group photo of the guests judges and proposers of the winning and standby names 嘉賓及評判與優勝獎及特別獎得主合照