
propolis n.蜂膠。


Organic whole milk , organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw unfiltered honey ; walnut shells , organic herbs of gotu kola , comfrey , licorice , orange peel , elder flowers , gotu kola , chamomile , marshmallow ; green tea , schizandra berry , amla berry for natural vitamin c , hamamelis , yerba santa , cardamom , white willow bark , fennel ; natural bee propolis , organic grapefruit seed extract , natural pineapple papaya enzymes , organic essential oils of lemon , orange , ylang - ylang , vanilla and benzoin 脫脂牛奶麥皮蜂蜜核桃殼甘草藥屬葵雛菊橙皮洋甘菊綠茶天然蜂膠菠蘿及木瓜酵素茴香小豆蔻西柚籽檸檬依蘭云呢拿及安息香等。

Organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw unfiltered honey ; organic herbs of echinacea , gotu kola , comfrey , elder flowers , chamomile , calendula , marshmallow , birch bark , licorice , lavender , sorrel , yarrow , neem , custom harvested bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic grapefruit seed extract , organic essential oils of orange and mandarin , and benzoin , a natural resin 脫脂牛奶燕麥純天然香草精華,如洋甘菊葡萄柚薰衣草維他命c有機葡萄柚柚安息香金盞菊蜂膠橙皮有機云呢拿依蘭蜂蜜提煉而成。

Organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw honey , calendula , echinacea , comfrey , elder flowers , german chamomile , marshmallow , hamamelis , horsetail , horse chestnut , white oak bark , tansy , wood sorrel , calendula co2 ; bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c ; natural vitamins a and e ; organic grapefruit seed extract , organic essential oils of helichrysum , sage and benzoin 脫脂牛奶燕麥金盞花蜜糖洋甘菊蜂膠維他命c紫椎花花精艾菊天然維他命a e葡萄柚精華意大利蠟菊安息香鼠尾草等。

Organic herbs indian gooseberry , schizandra berry , green tea , comfrey , st . john s wort , fo - ti - tieng , ginseng , orange leaves , echinacea , gotu kola , calendula , linden flowers , elder flowers , calendula succus , cowslip , organic primrose oil , hand crafted bee propolis , coriander co2 , cq10 , organic oils rose hip seed hip , organic evening primrose , hazelnut ; amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange and ylang - ylang , and essential oil of damask rose 本精華素可有效加強成熟皮膚的新陳代謝,內含的有機香薰如橙葉綠茶金盞菊紫椎花,及維他命a c e ,可抗氧化抗衰老?斑去印去紋,令皮膚更生。而它蘊含的骨膠原,可加強彈性和光澤,有緊膚作用。

The results of this study are summarized as follows : immune injecting man - made salmonella propolis inactivated vaccine and avian typhoid 9r live vaccine can protect flocks from infecting salmonella and immuning commercial chichling with man - made salmonella inactivated vaccine with medication can decrease death rate of chichling 研究表明:用禽傷寒9r株活疫苗配合自制沙門氏菌蜂膠滅活苗免疫注射父母代種雞,可有效防治種雞群再次感染沙門氏菌病;發病后的商品代雛雞用藥物治療的同時用自制沙門氏菌滅活苗免疫,可有效降低死亡率。

Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , jojoba , organic herbs of gotu kola , german chamomile , lavender , golden seal , white oak bark , slippery elm , horsetail , horse chestnut , tansy , wood sorrel ; natural viatmin c ; natural vitamins a and e , organic grapefruit seed extract , bee propolis , organic essential oils of helichrysum and german chamomile 蘆薈橄欖油有機糙米可可巴可拉樹德國藍甘菊意大利蠟菊薰衣草燕麥蜂膠有機西柚子精華,天然維他命a , e等。

Raw unfiltered honey , organic gotu kola , comfrey , fo - ti - tieng , ginseng , orange leaves , gotu kola , ginseng , linden , elder flowers , chamomile , st . john s wort , birch bark , sorrel , sassafras , sarsaparilla , wild ginger , yerba santa , licorice , tansy , coriander co2 , organic cardamom , bee propolis , organic essential oils of lemon and bergamot 天然蜜糖可拉樹雛菊人?甘草樺樹粟色洋甘菊橙葉黃樟姜莞茜豆寇果實蜂膠艾菊伴香薰油包括:檸檬及佛手柑等。

Potent disinfectant and anti - bacterial active ingredients including bee propolis , tea tree and lavender oil reduce inflammation and infection in several days rather than weeks , even in cases of deep boils and break - outs . this treatment helps to clear blemishes and acne break - outs when applied twice daily on the blemish directly 首先潔臉,用花水保濕,再涂上面膜,不要敷在眼袋位置,待15 - 20分鐘后,用微溫水洗面,抹乾,涂上合適的潤膚霜。

Organic oils of rose hip seed , jojoba , mission olive , coconut , wheat germ non - gmo , rose hip seed , bees wax , vegetable castor oil , organic coca butter , honey , thyme , sage , cow slip , gotu kola , amla berry , cuckoopint , ginseng , turmeric , bee propolis , natural vitamin 玫瑰果油榛子油蘆薈人參薰衣草玫瑰花瓣橙花可可巴油蜜糖蜂膠百里香鼠尾草天然維他命e ,檸檬油等。

Propolis hae30 contains elements of functional ingredients that helps to promote our health . its improves our digestive system , metabolism , blood circulation , etc . for healthy living , take propolis hae30 daily 水溶性濃縮鮮蜂膠為人體提供重要的營養及含有多種維他命,它能增加人體免疫系統,幫助預防疾病,促進人體的血液循環,調節新陳代謝功能等等,是最佳保健圣品之一。

Shunxia bio - tech co . , ltd is an extract manufacturer in china , specialized in apple polyphenol and propolis extract , apple p . e is a new type of powerful antioxidant , can be used in beverages , toothpaste , chutty , cookies and cosmetic etc 上海舜夏生物科技有限公司是生產經營天然提取物的專業性公司,主要產品為多種規格的天然抗氧化劑蘋果多酚及蜂膠萃取物。

Method for the determination of rutin , myricetin , quercetin , kaempferol , apigenin , pinocembrin , chrysin , galangin contents in propolis - lc - ms - ms detection method and lc - uv detection method 蜂膠中蘆丁楊梅酮槲皮素莰菲醇芹菜素松屬素苛因高良姜素含量的測定方法液相色譜-串聯質譜檢測法和液相色譜-紫外檢測法

Transparent and luring upper layer gives your skin full moisture and smoothness and lower layer can rejuvenate your skin and eliminate light wrinkles like nourishing propolis 上層透明誘人有如香甜滋潤的蜜糖,帶給肌膚充分濕潤柔滑;下層宛如營養的蜂膠,能延緩肌膚衰老,消除細紋。

Ingredients : pure natural bee propolis , several kinds of protease , deeply moisturizes your skin and makes your skin smooth and fresh 主要成份:含珍貴的純天然蜂膠,多種蛋白酶,深層滋養肌膚,幼滑嫩白,清新煥發。

Interventional effect of propolis on atherosclerosis induced by hyperlipid in rabbits 蜂膠對高脂飼料誘導的動脈粥樣硬化家兔的干預效應

Experimental study of anti - gastric ulcer with propolis extract and chinese medicine 藍靛果乙酸乙酯提取物對大鼠實驗性胃潰瘍的研究

Effect of ethanol extract from propolis on cell immunity of tumor - bearing mice 蜂膠提取物對荷瘤小鼠腫瘤免疫系統的影響研究

Biological activities and application in modern medicine of propolis 蜂膠的生物學活性及在現代醫學上的應用

Anti - bacterial effects and safety evaluation of propolis aerosol 蜂膠氣霧劑的抑菌試驗與安全性評價