
propinquity n.1.(地點的)相近,鄰近。2.(時間的)接近;迫切。...


This problem of the human site or living space is not simply that of knowing whether there will be enough space for men in the world - a problem that is certainly quite important - but also that of knowing what relations of propinquity , what type of storage , circulation , marking , and classification of human elements should be adopted in a given situation in order to achieve a given end 人們選址和生存空間的問題不只是象搞清楚世界上是否有足夠的空間給人類(這個問題當然很重要)那么簡單,而是了解親緣關系,了解人類諸要素中,哪些要素為了達成特定的(假定的,預設的)結果,其存儲、循環、標記和分類,將被采用在特定的(假定的,預設的)情景里面。

He could hardly follow her outlining of the work he must do , so amazed was he by her delightful propinquity . but when she began to lay down the importance of conjugation , he forgot all about her . he had never heard of conjugation , and was fascinated by the glimpse he was catching into the tie - ribs of language 她在提綱契領告訴他他該做什么功課時,他幾乎沒聽過去她在他身邊時帶來的陶醉令他驚訝但是在她強調“動詞變化”的重要性時他便把她全忘了他從沒聽說過“動同變化” ,原來它是語言的“骨骨架” ,能窺見這一點叫他很著迷地往書本靠了靠,露絲的頭發便輕拂著他的面頰。

As she walked , however , some footsteps approached behind her , the footsteps of a man ; and owing to the briskness of his advance he was close at her heels and had said good morning before she had been long aware of his propinquity 她一路走著,但是她的背后傳來了有人走路的腳步聲,而且是一個男人的腳步聲由于他走得很快,所以當她覺察到他正在走近的時候,他已經走到了她的身后,對她說了一句“你好” 。

Though unsophisticated in the usual sense , she was not incomplete ; and it would have denoted deficiency of womanhood if she had not instinctively known what an argument lies in propinquity 雖然一般說來她不通世故人情,但也不是一個智力不全的人要是她不能從本能上知道親密地生活在一起的力量,那就是說她沒有資格做女人了。

Daguenet , on the other hand , who was seated on estelle s left , seemed slightly put out by his propinquity to that tall , silent girl . the angularity of her elbows was disagreeable to him 達蓋內坐在愛絲泰勒的左邊,他對身旁的這個高個子姑娘的沉默寡言,感到局促不安,她的胳膊肘尖尖的,他看了很不舒服。

They are both cousins of his , but not of the same degree of propinquity 他們兩都是他的表弟,但是在血緣上不同程度相近。

The closest propinquity of the man whom he had most vilely wronged ! - 一個受到他最卑劣的委屈的人的最緊密的接觸!

They are cousins of propinquity 他們是血統很近的表親。

Grace was indeed quite unconscious of fitspier's propinquity . 格雷絲確實完全沒有覺察菲茨比爾斯近在身旁。