
properly adv.1.適當,相當;當然,正正當當;整整齊齊。2.完...


Your new car is a “lemon“ and does not run properly . 你買的一輛新車是“蹩腳貨”連跑都跑得不象個樣子。

Resigning is a very difficult operation to conduct properly . 辭職這件事,要處理得當是很困難的。

One cannot make a profit unless the hogs are fed properly . 如果缺乏合理的飼養,養豬也不賺錢。

Properly managed , the money can last them three months . 如果措置得當,這筆錢夠他們用三個月。

Case which have not been handled properly should be put right . 應立即糾正那些處理不當的問題。

We are to properly analyze the ageing characteristics as well . 我們也需要正確地分析老化特征。

It is not working properly . 他不能正常了。

I thrashed him properly . 我狠狠打了他一頓。

Somehow i never can concern myself properly with baseball . 不知怎么,我對棒球總是興趣不大。

We could not properly begin a pleasure excursion on sunday . 我們不能在星期日正式開始漫游。

Does he eat properly ? 他吃東西的樣子端莊嗎?

He very properly refused . 他正正當當地拒絕了。

Place the instruments properly . 把儀器安放好。

I was properly insured so i am sitting pretty . 我已經有了一定的保險,因而有備無患了。

You are not properly tuned in . 你沒有把收音機調準。

I could never properly atone . 我永遠也不能徹底贖罪。

My hat wo n't stay on properly . 我這帽子總也戴不正。

Everything was properly done . 事情全都做得天衣無縫。

Mr. elton seemed very properly struck by the idea . 埃爾頓先生對這話似乎特別敏感。