
prop n.1.支柱。2.支持者,擁護者,后援者,后盾,靠山。3...


Props were used to prevent the roof collapsing 用了一些支柱以防止屋頂塌落

The regime had been propped up by foreign aid 該政權是靠外國援助維持著的

The pit - prop fell on his head and knocked him out 坑木掉在他頭上,把他打昏過去。

When the pressure dropped , the prop reversed pitch 當壓力降低時,螺旋槳開始反轉. .

What kind of props books or charts should one brings in 該帶來哪種工具書還是圖表?

Props and miniatures are used wisely as well 找張柏芝配搭崔民植是另一驚喜。

Cosmetic designer : zhang xinghua prop designer : hao lizhong 道具設計:郝立眾

After i gave you props in that song , you on national tv 記得你曾說過男兒不可掉眼

. . . we used to disguise him as different props . . .我們曾經把他化裝成不同的小道具。

I have to give you props , johnny ! you were on fire 我要為你鼓掌,約翰尼你可真火

Mouse operation , find props to flee from the room 鼠標操作,尋找道具從密室逃離。

Her daughter was a prop to her during her illness 她生病時全靠他女兒當支柱。

Talking about single hydraulic prop caving coal mining 單體液壓支柱放頂煤開采探討

Props store of usable floor area of about 4 , 500 sq . m 道具倉實用面積約4 , 500平方米

We used to disguise him as different props .我們曾經把他化裝成不同的小道具。

Mr . cruise does it to all his favorite props 克魯斯先生在他最喜歡的道具上都裝了

Several rich families have propped up the regime 幾個富豪家族為那個政權撐腰。

We propped our old fence against the storm 我們撐著我們的舊籬笆以預防暴風雨。

Dismantled houses here and there appeared, tottering to the earth, propped up by fragments of others that had fallen down . 殘破的房子到處都可看到,搖搖擺擺的樣子,被另外已經倒塌的斷壁頹垣支撐著。