
pronunciation n.發音(法)。 The tongue is one o...


You have to admit my pronunciation got better , right 你必須承認我的發音好些了,對嗎

She had difficulty learning english pronunciation 她學習英語發音有困難

An initial research of arabic pronunciation teaching 從詞匯輸出看阿語對其他語言的影響

Pronunciation is a luo allocated to the point 語音是某洛配的,給點意見!

Write the meaning and pronunciation on the back 在背面則寫下意思和發音。

For me ? sometimes the pronunciation is difficult 對于我嗎?有時發音很難。

His pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us 他的發音我們大多數人很難聽懂。

An introduction to the pronunciation in the kenli dialect 墾利方言語音概說

Dual - way chinese english dictionary w pronunciation 通譯中英文雙向發音字典

His pronunciation of putonghuan is very accurate 他的普通話發音極其標準。

Q9xp big5 education canton mandarin pronunciation 九方xp繁體教育版粵語普通話發音版

Figure 4 below shows the pronunciation builder dialog 圖4 .發音構建器對話框

Some pronunciations are hard to distinguish 覺得有的發音很接近,很難分辨。

Key words search and pronunciation is offered 本網站可作關鍵字及讀音搜查。

Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to 應注意你的發音和拼寫。

Word pronunciation version of the software ba . 背單詞軟件發音版supermenoce

Han jia , pay attention to your pronunciation 大牛:韓佳,注意一下你的發音。

Finally , we should use the right pronunciation methods 第三要運用正確的發音方法。

She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation 她說她在發音方面有困難。