
pronouncing adj.發音的;表示發音的。 a pronouncing...


An extreme school of “disarmers“ pronounced stable deterrence was a dangerous deception . “裁軍論者”中的極端派聲稱,穩定的威攝是一種危險的騙局。

It 's an exzample of speech assimilation to pronounce “ grandma “ as “ grammar “ . 把“grandma”讀成“grammar”是語音同化的一個例證。

She pronounced the “we“ with a faint emphasis that gave it an ironic sound . 她說“我們”時,語氣稍微重一點,聽起來似乎在說反話。

Bonpland pronounced the place to be quite simply “paradise. “ 龐普朗聲稱,這個地方簡直是個“天堂”。

The nice gloves were pronounced a “perfect fit“ . 那副漂亮的手套被譽為“巧奪天工,正合適”。

Jo pronounced her a “trump“ . 裘稱她是個“慷慨大度者”。