
pronouncement n.1.宣告;表示。2.聲明,公告;決定,判決。短語和例...


As mr baldwin points out , they made pronouncements about entire “ sectors ” of the economy ( heralding the dawn of some industries ; the twilight of others ) and whole classes of workers ( the college - educated versus the rest ) whose fortunes were tied to them 用鮑德溫的話來說,這些經濟學家對經濟領域中的每個“行業”都有一個宣判(宣布那些產業為新興產業,那些又是夕陽產業) ,而且所有的雇工階層(包括高校畢業生及其他)的命運都系于此。

Pronouncement : all comments express the views of the author but not dfzz . org . if you find any comments which are deemed as abusive , obscene , vulgar , hateful , slanderous , threatening , or which are otherwise in volation of any laws , please contact us . we will remove them as soon as we confirm them 聲明:網友評論僅代表個人觀點,與本站立場無關,如果在評論中發現有任何反動,色情,暴力,誹謗,廣告等信息,請即時與我們聯系,我們將立即予以刪除

Pronouncement : all comments express the views of the author but not allnet . cn . if you find any comments which are deemed as abusive , obscene , vulgar , hateful , slanderous , threatening , or which are otherwise in volation of any laws , please contact us . we will remove them as soon as we confirm them 聲明:網友評論僅代表個人觀點,與本站立場無關,如果在評論中發現有任何反動,色情,暴力,誹謗,廣告等信息,請即時與我們聯系,我們將立即予以刪除

Pronouncement : all comments express the views of the author but not uirss . com . if you find any comments which are deemed as abusive , obscene , vulgar , hateful , slanderous , threatening , or which are otherwise in volation of any laws , please contact us . we will remove them as soon as we confirm them 聲明:網友評論僅代表個人觀點,與本站立場無關,如果在評論中發現有任何反動,色情,暴力,誹謗,廣告等信息,請即時與我們聯系,我們將立即予以刪除

But the imf does acknowledge that options at the other extreme of the spectrum from free floating may be appropriate in some circumstances , and in its pronouncements the imf has given unflinching support to hong kong s peg as indeed it has to the euro 但基金組織亦承認,在某些情況下浮動匯率的另一極端即固定匯率可能較為適合對于香港實行的聯系匯率,以至歐元區的單一貨幣,基金組織都曾表示給予毫無保留的支持。

Last year , in a rare public pronouncement , mrs bush openly encouraged her husband to appoint a woman to the supreme court , setting the scene for the botched nomination of harriet miers , the white house counsel , who is a family friend 當布什去年提名哈麗特邁爾斯為美國最高法院大法官時,布什夫人在一次公開聲明中鼓勵丈夫任用女性作為最高法院大法官。據悉,邁爾斯是布什總統夫婦的好朋友。

Just as reporters had publicized edison ' s exploits at menlo park in the 1870s , so they flocked to tesla ' s laboratory in the 1890s to cover his sensational discoveries and dramatic pronouncements [ see bottom illustration on opposite page ] 就如同記者在1870年代報導愛迪生在門洛帕克市的豐功偉業, 1890年代,他們聚集到特士拉的實驗室,報導他聳動的發現以及戲劇性的發表(參見左頁下圖) 。

Yet , when anything went wrong with my car i hastened to him with it , watched him anxiously as he explored its vitals , and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles ? ? and he always fixed my car 然而,每當我的汽車出了毛病,我總是急急忙忙去找他,焦急地注視著他檢查汽車的主要部位,恭聽著他的見解,仿佛聆聽神諭一般? ?而他總能把我的汽車修好。

So despite bright hopes and the upbeat pronouncements by automakers , considerable technical and market challenges remain that could delay introduction of the fuel - cell family car for years , if not decades 因此,盡管汽車制造商勾勒出光明的愿景,又喊出樂觀的口號,眾多技術與市場上的挑戰,仍不免延誤燃料電池房車推出的時程,即便不到幾十年,至少也要好幾年。

There is no general rule as to the standard of liability applicable in all cases of nuisance . different circumstances give rise to different standards and judicial pronouncements support both fault - based and strict liability 沒有通行的規則可以適用于所有的妨害侵權案件,不同的情況適用不同的規則,司法宣判中既有基于過錯的,也有基于嚴格責任的。

Entire communities took up the whirling , fatiguing practices of seers , while in other areas hermit - like proto - ecstatics lived as mystery men who uttered cryptic pronouncements and lived apart from the press of mundane humanity 在有的地區他們全都在街上瘋狂的旋轉,用盡心力去追尋,而其他地方,教團的遠祖們就像隱士一樣全然不為人知,避出紅塵。

We are gathering information on use of this hotline , and its effectiveness in dealing with alleged abuses . i want to emphasize that it is the practical implementation of these measures that matters , not public pronouncements 杜威表示,盡管“這些討論取得了可觀的進展” ,但中國的政策變化不足以使布什政府恢復向聯合國人口基金提供資金。

That is faster than the most pessimistic projections of the un ' s intergovernmental panel on climate change , a body set up to make authoritative pronouncements on the science of global warming 這一增長率比隸屬于聯合國的旨在對氣候變暖進行科學研究以及發布權威氣候變化報告的“跨政府小組”的悲觀預期還要糟糕。

Such pronouncements carry almost the aura of nutritional religion : carved in stone , not to be questioned . but a few nutritionists and scientists are questioning this conventional wisdom 這些說法仿佛已成為營養學界的金科玉律,有著不容挑戰的權威性。然而,近年來,一些營養學家和科學家開始質疑這種傳統觀念。

Pronouncement : the studio operates completely independently and hasn ' t any branch . in order to ensure your right and benefit , if you have any business please contact us directly . thank you 聲明:本工作室完全獨立運作,不作為任何組織分支。為了保障您的權利與利益,如有業務請與我們直接進行聯系。謝謝

“ the greatest news in the world is that god has visited this earth . he has walked this planet . he has made his great pronouncements ?曾經在地球上行走, ?曾經發出偉大的宣告, ?曾經發聲, ?曾經表達?的心意, ?曾經宣告?的旨意, ?曾經揭示?的心

By now we ve all heard the pronouncements about what companies must do to meet the competitive challenges of today s marketplace 到如今,我們都聽過一些聲明,內容是關于為迎接當今市場的競爭挑戰,企業所必須做的事情。

So it is our opportunity today to make this declaration . to make this pronouncement , that jesus christ is the christ , the son of the living god 今天就是機會作出這宣告,作出這宣認:耶穌基督是基督,是永生神的兒子。

Although harriet was not aware of it at the time , this was the first of her theological pronouncements . the moment was drawing near 盡管哈莉特當時還沒意識到,這是她自己第一次關于神學的聲明。那一刻已為時不遠了。