
pronged adj.有尖的,有叉的。


37 . through the three - pronged strategy outlined above , we seek to address the long standing building neglect problem in a systematic , integrated and sustainable manner 37 .透過上述三管下的策略,我們期望以有系統全面和可持續的方式,解決存在已久的樓宇失修問題。

Through the three - pronged strategy outlined above , we seek to address the long standing building neglect problem in a systematic , integrated and sustainable manner 透過上述三管齊下的策略,我們期望以有系統、全面和可持續的方式,解決存在已久的樓宇失修問題。

The american anthropologist - linguist edward sapir and his student benjamin lee whorf proposed a sweeping , two - pronged hypothesis concerning language and thought 美國人薩丕爾及其弟子沃爾夫提出的有關語言與思維關系的假設是這個領域里至今為止最具爭議的理論。

Depopulation is no longer the only course of action to take . our strategy is to adopt a multi - pronged approach to minimize the risk of outbreak recurrence 銷毀禽鳥方式已不再是唯一的解決方法,我們現在采用的策略是多管齊下,把再發生禽流感的風險減至最低。

Creating motivation to change is a three - pronged process , beginning with disconfirmation and followed by the creation of survival anxiety tempered by psychological safety 創造動機變化是一個三管齊下的過程,從整合,然后創造生存的焦慮,最后鍛煉了心理的安全。

The budget has set a target of achieving fiscal balance in 2006 - 07 and has formulated practical measures to solve the fiscal deficit problem with a three - pronged approach 預算案確立2006 - 07年達致收支平衡的目標,并訂定具體措施,從三方面解決財赤:

In accordance with these principles , we have adopted a two - pronged approach - ( a ) rezone surplus industrial land for other uses ; and 他說:根據這些原則,我們采取了兩個做法,就是把過剩的工業用地改劃為其他用途,及為工業樓宇的用途增加靈活性。

C to further promote the development of asset management business in hong kong , the government and the sfc will continue to adopt multi - pronged measures , including 三關于進一步推動香港資產管理業的發展,政府與證監會將繼續采取多管下的措施,包括:

This is pursued by adopting a multi - pronged approach of fostering economic growth , facilitating human investment and increasing social investment 為此,我們采取多管齊下的方法,包括促進經濟增長、推動人力資源投資,并增加社會投資。

In the coming year , the government will continue to adopt a multi - pronged approach to provide an environment conducive to the development of the bond market 在新的一年,政府會繼續多管齊下,為促進債券市場發展提供有利的環境。

Since its establishment , the working group has mapped out a strategy to tackle the suicide problem . the following four - pronged approach was adopted - 工作小組自成立以來已制定一套針對自殺問題的策略,采取了四管齊下的方法:

47 . to eliminate the fiscal deficit , we must adopt a three - pronged approach - boost economic growth , cut public expenditure , and raise revenue 47 .消滅財赤必須從積極促進經濟增長大力節省公共開支和適當增加收入三方面入手。

To eliminate the fiscal deficit , we must adopt a three - pronged approach - boost economic growth , cut public expenditure , and raise revenue 消滅財赤必須從積極促進經濟增長、大力節省公共開支和適當增加收入三方面入手。

The multi - pronged approach of the clean hong kong programme has brought about visible improvements to the overall cleanliness of hong kong 經本署采取多方面的措施推行清潔香港計劃,本港的整體清潔情況已顯著改善。

Allen falkner ' s tongue is split down the middle , and when he sticks it out , it looks like a two - pronged snake tongue 艾倫?福克訥的舌頭從舌尖到舌中部分開,當他把舌頭伸出來時,舌頭就像是有著兩個舌尖的蛇舌。

The other aspect of our two - pronged approach is the action agenda for services promotion drawn up by the bspu each year 至于雙管齊下的另一方面,是每年由工商服務業推廣署負責厘定的推廣服務業工作綱領。

At the end of the day , the three - pronged policy america is already pursuing in iraq may very well be the best of a bad lot 最終,美國在伊實行的“三合一”政策,可能如同在一筐爛蘋果中挑尚未壞透的那一個。

We have adopted a three - pronged approach to promoting building safety - constantly reviewing and improving the regulatory regime 26 .我們深知市民期望享有安全的居住環境,并已采用三管下的方法促進樓宇安全

The decision on debt cancellation represents the first victory for britain in its three - pronged approach to making poverty history in africa 免除債務的決定標志著英國根除非洲貧窮的三大措施首戰告捷。