prong n.1.尖頭;尖頭物;叉(齒),股。2.干草叉;(糜鹿的...
n. 1.尖頭;尖頭物;叉(齒),股。 2.干草叉;(糜鹿的)角。 3.【物理學】射線(徑跡);(真空管的)插腳。 vt. 1.刺,掘翻(泥土等);用耙耙。 2.給…裝上尖頭[叉齒等]。 “prong for“ 中文翻譯: 尖頭叉“accessory prong“ 中文翻譯: 副爪“axial prong“ 中文翻譯: 主爪“baffle prong“ 中文翻譯: 消力錐; 消能丁壩“bit prong“ 中文翻譯: 活鉆頭; 鉆頭牙輪齒“cage prong“ 中文翻譯: 保持架爪“contact prong“ 中文翻譯: 接觸端“digging prong“ 中文翻譯: 叉形挖掘鏟; 掘斗刃齒“dry prong“ 中文翻譯: 德賴普朗“electrode prong“ 中文翻譯: 電極把手架; 電極支架“equalizing prong“ 中文翻譯: 均衡支架“front prong“ 中文翻譯: 前冰爪“fuze prong“ 中文翻譯: 引信觸桿“lifting prong“ 中文翻譯: 叉形挖掘鏟“prong brake“ 中文翻譯: 夾子制動器; 抓鉤制動器“prong brakedynamometer“ 中文翻譯: 制動式測功器“prong budding“ 中文翻譯: 短枝芽接“prong cell“ 中文翻譯: 尖頭細胞“prong fork“ 中文翻譯: 尖頭叉“prong hoe“ 中文翻譯: 叉鋤, 釘鋤; 二齒鋤“prong key“ 中文翻譯: 叉形扳手, 端面扳手“prong number“ 中文翻譯: 股數“prong of blade“ 中文翻譯: 葉片的叉形葉根“star prong“ 中文翻譯: 星支“pronetopitch“ 中文翻譯: 趨向于縱向顛簸“pronethalo“ 中文翻譯: 丙奈洛爾
pronged |
Author thinks that the direction of the maximum plastic distortion along a constant radius around the crack tip may be considered as the direction of shear - mode fracture ( named pmax - criterion ) and the load when located shear band prongs the ligament in the front of crack tip is regarded as the limited load of shear - mode fracture . ( 3 ) the fad ( fracture assessment diagram ) of titled crack is proposed based on achievements of mesomechanics about i - ii complex ductile fracture of metal , and the titled crack is classified two kinds : void - mode fracture is assessed by fracture assessment curve , and shear - mode fracture by limited load . ( 4 ) using a fe program based on plantle - ressue theory to calculate some mesomechanical parameters , a flange joint structure of a high pressure vessel ( design pressure 31 . 4mpa and the thickness of the hemispherical head is half of that of shell . ) is analyzed to determine whether the structure under operation pressure is safe or not , forecast the mode of potential invalidation and argue for the rationality of design of the structure 試件的整體斷裂為剪切型,但在試件芯部裂尖鈍化區中部出現了韌窩型啟裂并有一定的擴展,說明局部較高的應力三軸度也會使韌窩型機制得以發展,但是不改變試件整體的剪切型斷裂模式;對韌性斷裂的剪切模式的細觀機理做了一定的探討,并且提出了含裂紋構件剪切型斷裂的宏觀判據:認為裂紋前方的集中剪切帶中與裂紋尖端等半徑處最大有效塑性應變出現的方向可以作為裂紋剪切斷裂的方向(可簡稱為_ ( pmax )準則) ,集中剪切滑移帶貫穿裂紋前方承載韌帶時的載荷可以作為極限載荷;本文運用金屬韌性斷裂細觀力學在一復合型韌性斷裂方面的研究成果,采用失效評定圖的形式,提出了傾斜裂紋的安全性評定方法的基本框架。 |
In a world full of sbcs with loose power leads , giant “ wall wart “ power supplies , elaborate power requirements , and exposed chips , it s nice to have a box where , once the hard drive is in it , it takes a standard electrical outlet two - prong , even , for those of you in older houses and just works 在一個全部由sbc組成的世界中,有松散的電源線,巨大的“ wall wart ”電源,復雜的電源要求,以及裸露的芯片,最好有一個機箱,這樣,一旦裝入了硬盤驅動器,它使用標準的插座(甚至是兩個尖頭的那種,用于老房子之中的)就可以正常工作。 |
The following conclusions are gained : ( 1 ) the located shear band prongs the ligament near the top crack tip and the structure may occur shear - mode fracture at the angle of 155 ? to crack when load is 87 . 92mpa ; the mode of fracture of the flange joint structure is not possible to be void - mode ; ( 2 ) it is proved that loading and then unloading repeatedly can not increase the possibility of invalidation of the structure when the times of loading and unloading are not too more when load is operating pressure ; the structure is safe when the vessel is operating ; ( 3 ) in the fe model of the thesis , not considering the influence of water pressure test which is in the process of fabrication of vessel in fe results in larger deviation in analysi 得出了以下結論:在8792mpa的載荷下筒體一封頭連接結構處的集中剪切帶貫穿韌帶,可能發生沿與原裂紋線成155 “角方向剪切型斷裂;筒體一封頭連接結構不可能發生韌窩型斷裂; ( 2 )在工作壓力下進行次數不多的反復加、卸載,結構不會破壞,也不會喪失安定性:結構在工作狀態下是安全的; m在本文的彈塑性有限元模擬計算中,對于裂紋尖端進行力學分析時,不考慮壓力容器制造過程中水壓試驗的影響,將導致計算結果出現較大的偏差; ( 4 )筒體完全屈服時的載荷為92石3mpa ,封頭完全屈服時載荷為86 |
As part of the three - prong strategy announced in his budget speech in march for reforming the securities and futures markets in hong kong , the financial secretary appointed a steering committee on the enhancement of the financial infrastructure to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the sar ' s financial infrastructure 財政司司長在一九九九年三月的預算案中公布對證券及期貨市場推行三大范疇的改革,其中包括成立金融基礎設施督導委員會,就香港的金融基礎設施進行研究,并提交具體的改善建議。 |
We agree that new developments in the new territories in the last two decades have not been satisfactory . the government has been tackling this through a two - prong approach , namely , to satisfy the requirement of land through proper planning on the one hand ; and , on the other hand , through better enforcement of unauthorized uses 我們認同新界過去20年的發展情況并不理想,故政府已透過兩方面解決問題,分別是以合理的規劃方式滿足社會對土地的需求,以及強制執行取締非法占用土地情況。 |
“ we come to you with a package of different solutions to our problems of building maintenance . ours is a multi - prong approach for community partnership , “ head of task force on building safety and preventive maintenance , mrs helen yu said at a meet - the - media session today november 23 樓宇安全及預防性維修專責小組主管余黎青萍今日十一月二十三日在記者招待會上表示:要改善樓宇維修問題,我們需要多元化的配套,多管下采用不同的方案,更要社群心參與。 |
The task force has proposed a multi - prong approach , including enhancing assistance to property owners in need , stepping up enforcement action , modernising the buildings ordinance and maximising market forces to tackle the risks posed by the 800 , 000 ubws including irss 專責小組建議采取多管齊下的方法,清除八十萬違例僭建物,包括天臺非法搭建物。建議方案包括向有需要的業主提供更多協助,加強執法行動,更新建筑物條例和借助市場力量等。 |
An important part of the empowerment prong is to facilitate women s full and active participation in all aspects of community life and decision making processes , and participation in government advisory and statutory bodies ( asbs ) is a crucial aspect of community involvement 增強婦女能力工作其中一個重要的環節,是要促進婦女全面積極參與決策及社會各方面的事務,而參與政府諮詢和法定機構的工作,對婦女參與社會事務來說,至為重要。 |
The task force has proposed a multi - prong approach , including enhancing assistance to property owners in need , stepping up enforcement action , modernising the buildings ordinance and maximising market forces to tackle the risks posed by the 800 , 000 ubws including irss 專責小組建議采取多管下的方法,清除八十萬違例僭建物,包括天臺非法搭建物。建議方案包括向有需要的業主提供更多協助,加強執法行動,更新建筑物條例和借助市場力量等。 |
A new kind of physics experimental instrument of forced vibration and resonance is introduced , conducting research of the relationship between vibration period and to arms of prong 摘要介紹了新型音叉受迫振動與共振實驗儀。通過音叉雙臂與振動周期關系的研究,可以深入理解振動式液體密度傳感器的原理及其應用。 |
Petaling jaya : group associated sdn bhd , the sole distributor of york air conditioners , has adopted a two - prong strategy to give it the competitive edge in an increasing intense market . . . 八打靈再也訊: group associated c l私人有限公司,即是york冷氣機總經銷商,采取二路戰略以在競爭白熱化的市場上較技。 . |
Petaling jaya : group associated sdn bhd , the sole distributor of york air conditioners , has adopted a two - prong strategy to give it the competitive edge in an increasing intense market 八打靈再也訊: group associated c l私人有限公司,即是york冷氣機總經銷商,采取二路戰略以在競爭白熱化的市場上較技。 |
Buttoncare - manufactures opened & capped prong fasteners , tack buttons , rivets , spring press fasteners , sewing button , grommets and other fashion clothing accessories 物料城有限公司-提供數千款不同類型鈕扣、拉煉及織物類等配料,此外還有各款金屬和塑膠制品,同時亦可按要求制造產品樣板。 |
Still the prongs continued to click assiduously , for it was not late - , and though the air was fresh and keen there was a whisper of spring in it that cheered the workers on 因為天色還不晚,工人們手中的叉子掙直響那時的空氣雖然清冷刺骨,但是已經有了春天的細語,鼓舞了種地的人。 |
We did not explore a full or partial migration of windows - to - linux as a solution because we wanted to focus on the third prong of the trident for this article 我們并沒有將從windows到linux的部分或完全遷移作為解決方案來研究,因為我們希望在本文中集中關注第三種方法。 |
It was on one of the couch - burning plots that she laboured with her fork , its four shining prongs resounding against the stones and dry clods in little clicks 她當時拿著叉子在燒著野草的租種地里干活,那把叉子有四個發亮的,碰到土里的石頭和硬土塊,就發出叮當的響聲。 |
Pungent smoke shot up in an angry jet from a side of the pan . by prodding a prong of the fork under the kidney he detached it and turned it turtle on its back 刺鼻的煙從平底鍋的一側猛地往上噴,他用叉子尖兒鏟到腰子下面,將它從鍋底剝下來,翻了個個兒。 |
The multi - prong strategy comprises different solutions for different groups of private buildings , according to both their age and condition . its main features are 多管下的策略是按私人樓宇的樓和狀況,對不同組別的私人樓宇,采取不同的方案,重點如下: |
By - and - by he dug so close to her that the fire - beams were reflected as distinctly from the steel prongs of his fork as from her own 他挖地挖得離她越來越近了,近得她可以清楚地看見他及子上的鐵飯像她叉子上的鐵一樣閃光。 |