
proneness n.1.俯伏;屈,前屈,下屈。2.傾向,脾性,嗜好。


The interest in reading means to stimulate and maintain the students “ non - intellectual qualities in their reading behaviors and it can make the boring learning change into the happy inner experience , then it is the psychological base of the middle school students “ active proneness to read . the moods in reading reinforce and readjust the reading behaviors , and they are also the essential qualities that one uses to purify his / her spirit and to perfect his / her moods and deeds , then it is surely the psychological base of the middle school students ' preference to read . the volition in reading is the dynamic factor which keeps and promotes one “ s reading behaviors , and it can stir up the middle school students “ determination and persistence , so it is the psychological base of the middle school students “ quality of persistent reading behaviors 在這一動力系統中,閱讀的動機能夠喚起和發動人的閱讀行為,并能對已發生的閱讀行為起到定向的作用,因而是使中學生產生愿讀傾向的心理基礎;閱讀的興趣是激發并保持閱讀積極性的非智力因素,能使艱苦的閱讀學習轉化為愉悅的內心體驗,因而是使中學生產生好讀傾向的心理基礎;閱讀的情感對人的閱讀行為起著強化和調節的作用,也是人們通過閱讀陶冶情操、凈化心靈的重要品質,因而是使中學生產生樂讀傾向的心理基礎;閱讀的意志是維持和推動人們進行閱讀的動力因素,能夠引起中學生從事閱讀學習的決心、恒心和韌性,因而是使中學生產生勤讀品質的心理基礎;閱讀的習慣是有益閱讀行為達到自動化程度的結果,能夠促進中學生提高閱讀的效率,因而是使中學生產生善讀能力的心理基礎。

As defined by clinical psychologists , narcissism is a mental illness characterized by inflated or grandiose views of self , the quest for excessive admiration , an unreasonable or exaggerated sense of entitlement , a lack of empathy ( that is , being unable to identify with the feelings of others ) , an exploitative attitude toward others , a proneness to envy or wish to be envied , frequent fantasies of greatness , and arrogance 根據臨床心理學家的定義,自戀是一種心理疾病,特徵是對自己的看法極為膨風、渴求過多的贊美、自己認定的榮銜不切實際或夸大、缺乏同理心(也就是無法對別人的感受感同身受) 、只會利用別人、容易羨慕別人或是希望成為羨慕的對象、常常幻想自己很偉大、妄自尊大。

For the first time the author introduces the modern traffic accident epidemic theory . from the aspect of accident proneness , the author goes on to explain the multi reasons and the complex mechanism of the traffic accidents and points out the objective vales of subjectivism in promoting the control of crimes and the science of prevention 文章還首次引入了現代車禍流行病學的理論,從事故傾性( accidentproneness )等角度,進丫步闡述了犯罪的多因性和道路交通犯罪發生的復雜機理,指出刑法主觀主義的知識客觀性的獨特價值,以增強犯罪控制和預防的科學性。

In hester prynne s instance , however , as not unfrequently in other cases , her sentence bore , that she should stand a certain time upon the platform , but without undergoing that gripe about the neck and confinement of the head , the proneness to which was the most devilish characteristic of this ugly engine 不過,就海絲特白蘭的例子而論,例和多數其它案子相仿,她所受到的懲處是要在刑臺上罰站示眾一段時間,而無需受扼頸囚首之苦,從而幸免于這一丑陋的機器最為兇殘的手段。

When wearing bust bodice , also not be to be buckled casually go up to go , and ought to button bust bodice first , adjust aglet next , body proneness , with the hand will whole breast is reached all round adipose fill in in the cup that take a cover , make appear contented and full , also can prevent a breast adipose outside move , make a breast smaller and smaller 穿胸罩時,也不是隨便扣上就行了,而應當先把胸罩扣好,然后調整肩帶,身體前屈,用手將整個乳房及四周的脂肪都塞進罩杯里,使之顯得充實飽滿,也可避免乳房脂肪外移,使乳房越來越小。

My colleagues and i devised a scale to measure proneness to feeling regret , and we found that people with high sensitivity to regret are less happy , less satisfied with life , less optimistic and more depressed than those with low sensitivity 我與同事設計了一個尺標來測量后悔的傾向,我們發現容易感到遺憾的人,相對來說也比較不快樂,對生命較不滿意、較不樂觀,也較沮喪。

The balance between the private right of the trade secret owner and the public interest is a primary rule which determines the proneness of the trade secret legislation . thus , the law takes a limited protection for trade secret 商業秘密保護在立法的價值取向上就以商業秘密權利人的私權與社會公共利益的平衡為指導原則,對商業秘密采取有限的保護措施。

In the specific conditions of china ( the flabbiness of the bourgeoisie with its proneness to conciliation and the strength of the proletariat with its revolutionary thoroughness ) , things just never work out so easily as in turkey 由于中國的特殊條件(資產階級的軟弱和妥協性,無產階級的強大和革命徹底性) ,中國從來也沒有過土耳其的那種便宜事情。

Even labor protection has not been able to prevent completely the proneness of those in working age to reduction in hearing capacity 即使是勞工保護措施也無法完全阻止人們在工作生涯里出現的聽力下降的傾向。

Pitifully , it ' s proneness to fire and paper rupture severely affect the quality control of production when manufacturing 但是,在加工時容易出現火災和斷紙等問題,影響了產品的制造速度。

Experimental study on outburst proneness coal seam of meso character and crack destabilization 沖擊傾向性煤體的細觀特征與裂紋失穩的試驗研究

We criticized him for his proneness to get angry with folk and bawl them out 因為他動不動發脾氣罵人,我們批評了他。

Brittleness of rocks and brittleness indexes for describing rockburst proneness 巖石脆性及描述巖爆傾向的脆性系數

The difference of shame proneness and coping style towards shame stories 羞恥易感性差異及對羞恥的應付

Undergraduates ' social anxiety : a shame proneness model 大學生社交焦慮的羞恥感等因素影響模型

Proneness may be an unsafe position for newborns 俯伏姿勢對新生兒可能不安全。