
prone adj.1.俯伏的;平伏的 (opp. erect, s...

prone bombing

Human nature is so prone to fall into it 人的本性就是會自怨自艾!

Advances of bio - crust research in desertification - prone areas 荒漠化地區生物結皮的研究進展

Most bicuspid valves are prone to calcification 大部分瓣葉容易鈣化。

Children showed to be prone to poisoning 報道的病例顯示兒童更易中毒。

Yeah , there ' s three prone , like a fork thing 那邊有3個東西像叉子一樣

The ejb deployment descriptor is complex and error prone Ejb的部署描述復雜而容易出錯。

What health problems are labradors prone to 拉拉容易出現哪些健康問題?

We accept that installation is fragile and error prone 我們承認安裝是脆弱和易出錯的。

Obviously this approach is costly and error - prone 顯然這個方法代價很高并且容易出錯。

It works , but it is unreadable and error - prone 它工作,但是它難以理解并且有錯誤傾向

Class is prone to orphan locks and deadlocks 類功能強大,但是容易形成孤立鎖和死鎖。

People are more prone to make mistakes when they are tired 人們疲勞時更容易出差錯。

Glute prone leg curl - back extension abdominal -背部伸展練習器腹肌練習器

On system header files , but it s less error - prone 方便一小點,但是它更不容易出錯。

Finally , it s prone to failures such as broken hardware 那么,誰是駭客呢?

Children at all ages are accident - prone 任何年齡的孩子都是容易出一些事故的。

She ' s prone to giggling at the most inopportune moments 她常莫名其妙地咯咯發笑。

This is an error - prone and time - consuming process 這是個易出錯且費時的過程。

Direct copying is fast , but more error - prone 直接復制速度很快,但卻更容易出錯。