
promulgate vt.1.頒布,公布(法令等)。2.傳播;宣傳;發表。n...


Article 61 an administrative regulation shall be promulgated by way of a state council order signed by the premier 第六十一條行政法規由總理簽署國務院令公布。

To promulgate the belief that marketing is something that only salespeople do is exceedingly dangerous 散布“營銷只是銷售人員的事情”這一信念是非常危險的。

Prepares general planning publications to promulgate planning information in a well - documented manner 就一般規劃事宜出版刊物,以便有系統地公布規劃資訊。

In order to regulate franchise effectively , western countries have promulgate special laws 為了有效地規范特許經營,西方不少發達國家還頒行了專門法律。

From october 30th 1980 , chinese government has promulgated seven laws and regulations in this area 自1980年10月30日起,中國政府陸續頒布實施了七部法規。

The school shall prescribe and promulgate prevention and handling regulations for the aforesaid regulations 學校應依前項準則訂定防治規定,并公告周知。

Promulgated by the ministry of commerce on april 30 2007 and effective as of may 1 2007 商務部于二零零七年四月三十日公布,自二零零七年五月一日起施行。

During the year , the department promulgated one practice note to the public ( see table 6 . 2 ) 年內,本署向公眾公布了一份作業備考(見表6 . 2 ) 。

The hong kong government promulgates a law prohibiting the circulation of foreign currencies in hong kong 港府通過新法例,禁止外幣在香港流通。

Promulgate the policy to relevant departments units and to the wider university community , and 向有關部門單位及大學各社團公布樹木保育政策;及

The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education , and promulgate them 學校應訂定性別平等教育實施規定,并公告周知。

In 2003 , seven guidelines have been revised and one joint - practice note has been promulgated 2003年,共頒布了7份規劃指引和1份作業備考。

Only the highest professional standards , as promulgated by the nad , shall be pursued 應遵循最高的專業標準(如國家聾人協會所頒布的) 。

China should promulgate law on state immunity and make clear restrictive immunity 我國應制定《國家豁免法》 ,明確規定限制豁免的做法。

The vision for hong kong was promulgated in the ce s policy address in 1998 行政長官早于1998年的施政報告已擬定香港的長遠發展目標。

Table 6 . 2 planning department practice notes for professional persons promulgated in 2004 2在二零零四年公布的規劃署專業人士作業備考

This idea was first promulgated by sir michael marmot , of university college , london 這個主意首先由倫敦大學的麥克?馬莫特爵士提出。

The task force has developed a set of model guidelines , which were promulgated in february 2001 有關小組已制定標準指引,并已于

Promulgating a set of guidelines on credit card holders data security for retailers ; and 向零售商推介保密處理信用卡資料的指引;及