
prominent adj.1.突起的;(眼、牙等)凸出的。2.突出的;顯著...


Other prominent bloggers have removed comments , too 其它著名的博客也已經移走了評論。

Prominent services provided with an e - option 已提供電子服務選擇的主要服務

The following sectors are among the prominent examples 以下各類產品是一些突出例子。

Mr . breen feels that they are too prominent , yes 布里恩先生覺得它們太顯眼了,對嗎?

She is not too skinny , she is skeletally prominent 她沒有太瘦,只是骨感。

Mr . breen feeis that they are too prominent , yes 布里恩先生覺得它們太顯眼了,對嗎?

In - depth interview with prominent asian entrepreneurs 著名的亞洲企業家的深度訪談。

The yang family is a prominent family in youchang area 右昌楊家是右昌地區的望族。

Mr . ma xulun ' s prominent contribution to research on shuowen 學研究的突出貢獻

She is a prominent scholar in the field of linguistics 她是語言學領域的杰出學者。

He is a prominent scholar in the field of linguistics 他是語言學領域的杰出學者。

How fedex makes the team with prominent performance 聯邦快遞如何打造高績效團隊

Bibliography and notes on prominent ecologists -中心簡介并提供研究報告與文集

On detection of prominent point using b - spline model 樣條模型的曲線特征點檢測法

Interrogation as a prominent feature of wang meng ' s novels 王蒙小說語言論綱之一

Suddenly he met the glance of another pair of eyes that were prominent and blue, staring with a sort of subtle roguery from above a thin, lopsided nose . 突然間,他碰上了另外一對眼光;這對眼睛又凸出又湛藍,從那細瘦的歪鼻子上用一種狡猾淘氣的神氣瞪著他。

She was the only prominent candidate for death in this bunker who displayed an admirable and superior composure . 她是這個地下室中唯一顯貴的和注定要死的婦女,并且表現出一種令人欽佩和勝人一籌的鎮靜態度。

The german allowed a forensic commission including prominent neutral experts to supervise part of the exhumation . 德國人讓一個包括杰出的中立專家在內的法庭委員會對部分掘墓工作進行監督。

The dimensions of rupture zones in various island areas appear to be related to the extent of prominent deep-sea benches . 各種島嶼內斷裂帶的大小似乎與突出的深海階地的范圍有關。