prometheus n.【希臘神話】普羅米修斯〔因盜取天火給世人而被宙斯神鎖...
n. 【希臘神話】普羅米修斯〔因盜取天火給世人而被宙斯神鎖在山崖上,每日遭神鷹啄食肝臟,夜間傷口愈合,天明神鷹復來。但他始終堅毅不屈〕。 “creatures of prometheus the“ 中文翻譯: 普羅米修斯的造物“prometheus (disambiguation)“ 中文翻譯: 普羅米修斯 (消歧義)“prometheus bound“ 中文翻譯: 被縛的普羅米修斯“prometheus unbound“ 中文翻譯: 解放了的普羅米修斯; 解放了的普羅密修斯(一、二)“scriabin prometheus“ 中文翻譯: 普羅米修斯“the crenture of prometheus“ 中文翻譯: 普羅米修斯的生民“the prometheus syndrome“ 中文翻譯: 全力緝兇“christ prometheus marx and humaneness“ 中文翻譯: 馬克思及文化異質與互補“prometheus, king of the shadows“ 中文翻譯: 暗王“promethestrol preparation“ 中文翻譯: 美雌酚制劑“promethestrol dipropionate“ 中文翻譯: 二丙酸甲基已雌酚, 二丙酸嘜卜蘭“promethestrol dipalmitate“ 中文翻譯: 丙甲雌酚二棕櫚酸酯“promethestrol dibutyrate“ 中文翻譯: 丙甲雌酚二丁酸酯,二甲己烷雌酚二丁酸酯; 二甲己烷雌酚二丁酸酯“promethium“ 中文翻譯: n. 【化學】钷〔略 Pm;舊名 illinium ?〕。 “promethestrol“ 中文翻譯: 美雌酚
promethium |
Cloning , with its possibilities for creating our own identical twins , brings us back to the ancient sins of vanity and pride ; the sins of narcissus , who so loved himself , and of prometheus , who , in stealing fire , sought the powers of god 克隆技術以其創造與我們自身完全一樣的孿生兄弟的可能性,將我們帶回到種種古老的罪孽:虛榮傲慢;那喀索斯式的自戀罪,以及普羅米修斯的罪孽,他以盜火來謀求上帝的權力。 |
Somewhere in that limbo which earth describes in prometheus unbound , that vague region filled with dreams and the light imaginings of men , is the dreary phantom of an unstraightened picture upon a ghostly wall 然后又想像到在《解放的普羅米修斯》中描述的那個地獄邊緣的某個地方,那個充滿了人類夢想和愉快想像的模糊地帶,有著陰沉可怕的幽靈,一幅畫歪掛在鬼影般的墻上。 |
The story ( absurd enough ! ) is that jupiter made the first woman and sent her to prometheus and his brother , to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven ; and man , for accepting the gift 傳說(雖然相當荒唐)朱庇特造了第一個女人并把她送給了普羅米修斯兄弟二人,以懲罰他們偷盜天火的狂妄行為,也懲罰人類,因為他們接受了天火。 |
Shelley ’ s greatest achievement is his four - act poetic drama , prometheus unbound , the play is an exultant work in praise of humankind ’ s potential , and shelley himself recognized it as “ the most perfect of my products . ” 雪萊最有造詣的作品是他的四幕詩劇《解放了的普羅米修斯》 ,它贊揚了人類自身的潛力,雪萊認識它是自己最出色的作品。 |
Aeschylus wrote such plays as [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] prometheus bound , persians [ / color ] [ / b ] and [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] agamemnon [ / color ] [ / b ] . aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry 埃斯庫羅斯因其鮮貨的人物描寫和大氣磅礴的戲劇詩而聞名遐邇,他的代表作品有《被縛的普羅米修斯》 、 《波斯人》和《阿迦門儂》 。 |
The two worlds , nocturne and its oversized moon prometheus , circle each other in an erratic orbit , causing massive tectonic activity across the thin crust of nocturne 那克土恩和它那大于一般的衛星普羅米修斯相互的以飄忽不定的方式旋繞,這也造成了星球上極其不正常的巖層活動和火山運動。 |
At last the gods - partly by the help of the wise counsel of prometheus - conquered the titans , took them to the ends of the earth , and imprisoned them in a deep underground cavern 普羅米修斯的智謀在某種程度上幫助眾神最終征服了泰坦,并將他們帶到塵世的邊緣,關在一個很深的地下洞穴里。 |
At last heracles made prometheus and zeus restore to friend ship , when heracles came over in search of the golden apple and killed the eagle and set the friend of mankind free 最后,海格立斯使普羅米修斯與宙斯恢復了他們的友誼,找到了金蘋果,殺死了老鷹,因而解救了人類的老朋友。 |
Greek mythology tells the story of prometheus , who stole sacred fire from the gods on mount olympus and gave it to humankind , opening the way to civilization 古希臘的神話講述了普羅米修斯的故事,他從奧林匹斯山上的眾神手中盜取了神圣的火種,并將它賜予人類,為人類開啟了文明之門。 |
The narrow f ring , a tangle of several lumpy strands , sits isolated just beyond saturn ' s a ring and also is straddled by two moons , pandora and prometheus 比較窄的f環,像幾股粗細不規則的纜繩纏絞在一起,孤單地坐落于土星的a環之外,并有兩顆衛星土衛十七和土衛十六跨于兩旁。 |
Prometheus learned 5 ) mathematics , 6 ) navigation , 7 ) medicine , 8 ) architecture , and 9 ) asonomy from the goddess of 10 ) wisdom , athena , and taught these sciences to people 普羅米修斯向智慧女神雅典娜學習數學、航海、醫藥、建筑和天文學,并將這些學問傳授給人們。 |
Gaia : you have freed prometheus from the torment of the gods . his flesh has tainted the fires of olympus and embodied it with power of the titans 蓋亞:你已經把普羅米修斯從神的折磨中解救出來了,他的肉體已經玷污了奧林巴斯山的圣火,這也體現了泰坦的力量。 |
Prometheus had made it so the sacrifice that had the better meat looked 18 ) unappetizing and the sacrifice that had only skin and bones looked 19 ) delicious 普羅米修斯早就動過手腳,因此肉質較佳的祭品看起來令人倒胃口,而只有皮包骨的祭品看起來卻很美味。 |
To pay tribute to prometheus and the fire , the ancient greeks used torches during religious ceremonies and by keeping a sacred fire burning in certain temples 古希臘人為表達對普羅米修斯和火的敬意,在宗教儀式上都會使用火炬,并在某些神廟讓圣火一直燃燒。 |
So in a masterful way he took away the gift of fire from mankind . however , prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen 因此,他專橫地把火從人類手中奪走。然而,普羅米修斯設法竊走了天火,偷偷地把它帶給人類。 |
Acemoglu , daron , and fabrizio zilibotti , 1997 , “ was prometheus unbound by chance ? risk , diversification , and growth , “ journal of political economy , vol . 105 ( august ) , pp . 709 - 51 每單位資本收入是與匯率和一般宏觀經濟波動性相關所獲得其他潛在的比較優勢 |
He and his brother epimetheus , whose name means “ thinking afterwards , “ made all the 3 ) creatures on earth , but prometheus loved humans the most 他和兄弟伊比米修斯? ?意思是后知后覺? ?創造出世間的一切生物,但普羅米修斯最愛的是人類。 |
One of the titans , whose name was prometheus , was wiser than the rest . he often thought about what would be likely to happen in the future 泰坦中有一個名叫普羅米修斯,他是巨人中最聰明的,時常思考將來會發生什么。 |
We live in the age of prometheus , the mythological titan who brought fire to humanity and was punished by zeus , king of the gods 我們生活在普羅米修斯時代,這個神話巨人為人類帶來了火種,因而被眾神之神宙斯懲罰。 |