
prom n.1.〔英口〕 = promenade concert...


A week after prom and two days after i turned eighteen , 畢業典禮后一周十八歲生日后兩天

This little monkey wants to ask me to the prom 這只小猴子想約我參加舞會

Snaps fingers girl , what you wearing your prom dress for 姑娘,你穿什么,你的舞會禮服?

I ' ll call you from the prom . don ' t worry 我會從舞會打電話給你不用擔心

You ? - not even a prom , i didn ' t go , 你呢? -高中舞會都沒參加過,我沒去

- you ? - not even a prom , i didn ' t go , -你呢? -高中舞會都沒參加過,我沒去

Sick ? too sick to take you to prom 生病?病到連帶你參加畢業舞會也不行?

- you ? - not even a prom . i didn ' t go -你呢? -高中舞會都沒參加過,我沒去

, , , not how i wanted to remember my prom , . . .在記憶里留下這樣一個畢業舞會

You ? - not even a prom . i didn ' t go 你呢? -高中舞會都沒參加過,我沒去

Game or at a prom , that video would sell 或者在畢業典禮上干一定會熱賣的

Shoot ' em humping at , like , a football game or at a prom .大搞特搞,好比是在一場足球

The boot prom will give you a prompt , either 啟動prom將給出提示符,可能是

I ' m going to have my hair done for the prom 為了參加舞會,我要去做頭發。

Fast forward to prom : there ' s me standing alone , 快進到舞會:我一個人站著

He did the same thing to pam ' s junior prom date 帕姆第一次舞會的舞伴也被他這么干過

Gentlemen , these are your prom dates , april and ferrari 這些是你們的舞伴

I wanted to know if you ' d be out by prom , 我想知道,你會來參加畢業舞會么?

Where did you think we were going , the junior prom 你以為我們會去哪兒?畢業舞會?