
prolific adj.1.多育的,結果實的;有生產力的;富于創造力的;...


Love him or hate him there is no denying that jim carrey has been one of the most prolific actors of the last decade 愛他或討厭他,是不容否認的事實,兩人一直是一個最多產演員的最后十年。

She studied under venerable master yin shun , author of the way to buddhahood , and is a prolific scholar and author 法師曾受教于《成佛之道》的作者印順導師,是位著述非常豐富的學者及作家。

It appears that the plant is called abutilon , or chinese lantern . it is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific 看起來這種植物是青麻或稱中國燈籠,是種枝干細長但多花的植物

Vali mohammed or vali deccani diwan was one of the most prolific deccani poets of the medieval period Vali mohammed或vali deccani diwan是中世紀期間的最多產的deccani詩人的當中一個。

The guardian , matt scott : “ shevchenko ' s finish recalled more prolific times in his illustrious career 《衛報》記者馬特斯科特: “舍甫琴科的進球幫助他續寫了在歐冠聯賽中的進球總數。

Ferguson has made personal checks on the dutchman this season and is weighing up a bid for the prolific forward 這賽季弗格森層親自去去考察這位荷蘭人,權衡是否為這位高產射手出價。

Robert creeley ( 1926 - 2005 ) , a prolific poet and a major american poet in the second half of the 20th century 羅伯特-克瑞里, 1926 - 2005 , 20世紀下半葉美國重要的多產詩人。

Martial arts and fantasy films were also prolific , along with the development of comedies which took on a healthy course 。武俠片神怪片也為數不少,喜劇片則發展穩健。

Should be interesting to see martelli s prolific writing inclinations squeezed into a compact size (看到martelli洋洋灑灑的寫作風格“壓縮”成緊湊的內容應該很有趣) 。

A prolific writer , he has authored more than 200 original research papers in top - notch international journals 陳教授有超過二百篇學術論文著作,刊載于多份知名國際期刊。

Twenty - five years ago , a prolific level of 14 to 16 pigs weaned per sow per year was a reasonable target 25年前,一頭高產母豬每頭每年能生產14到16頭斷奶仔豬。

Now in her nineties , professor hu still enjoys her plant studies and is a prolific researcher 胡教授雖年逾九十,仍孜孜不倦,采芝擷英,積極研究,著作不斷。

Ruud van nistelrooy ' s prolific goalscoring exploits have safeguarded his place in united folklore 范尼的多產進球使他在曼聯球迷心目中占有一席之地。

One who writes fiction , especially a prolific creator of commercial or pulp fiction 小說作家寫小說的人,尤指寫商業性小說或低級趣味小說的多產作家

Chu recently signed a multi - picture deal with the prolific hong kong director producer wong jing 同年更被上華唱片公司發掘,推出首張國語唱片。

The most prolific producer of christian missionaries , on a per head basis , is now south korea 如今,按人頭計算,韓國的基督教傳教活動最多產。

Since cocteau died in 1963 , he leaved a prolific legacy to the younger generation 尚?高克多1963年去世之后,其作品一直影響后世。

Many small forwards in professional basketball however are prolific scorers 在職業籃球中,大多數的小前鋒都是個多才多藝的得分手。

A prolific writer 多產的作家