
proletariat n.無產階級(opp. bourgeoisie);【羅馬...


Found the state in early days , politics and laws thought of our country have marxist proletariat politics and laws view and socialist politics and laws double characteristic of view of distinct chinese characteristics concurrently 建國早期,我國的政治法律思想兼具馬克思主義的無產階級政治法律觀和中國特色的社會主義政治法律觀的雙重特點。

I think maslow ' s hierarchy of needs can not be - lied in our life , for example , he still flew high and think that how to solute the troble of the proletariat when marx can not soulte his life needs 我覺得馬斯洛的層次需求理論并不能完全應用于我們的生活中.比如,馬克思在生活都沒著落的時候卻胸懷大志,依然想著如果解決工人階級的困境

Therefore , the best way to have a good command of socialist ideology should begin with the study of its social base , its “ historical existing vitality “ and the class attribution of proletariat 因此,要把握社會主義意識形態的“科學性”就必須從其產生的社會基礎、無產階級的階級屬性以及其自身的“歷史生命力”三個方面入手。

They are like the proletariat in that they do not own the mode of production , and yet at the same time “ their ideology may incline more toward the capitalists . 吳乃德教授進一步解釋:在工業社會中,中產階級地位的矛盾來自他們像無產階級一樣,未曾握有生產工具然而,他們的意識形態卻往往比較接近資本家。

But with the development of industry the proletariat not only increases in number ; it becomes concentrated in greater masses , its strength grows , and it feels that strength more 但是,隨著工業的發展,無產階級不僅人數增加了,而且它結合成更大的集體,它的力量日益增長,它越來越感覺到自己的力量。

According to their theoretical supposition and the development of world history , nationalism is the necessary transition to realize the proletariat revolution and the socialist goal 根據經典作家的理論設想和世界歷史的發展實踐,民族主義是實現無產階級革命和社會主義目標必需的“過渡”性途徑。

Therefore , we should take the view angle of development to entirely and objectively treat the issues , and recognize that the proletariat still is our country ' s most advanced rank 因此,我們應當用發展的眼光全面、客觀地看待問題,認識到工人階級仍然是我國最先進的的階級。

Currently some people in the society doubt and confuse with the advanced nature of the proletariat , this kind of phenomena is worth regarding and scientifically anatomizing 摘要當前社會上有人對工人階級的先進性表示懷疑和迷惑,這種現象值得引起重視并進行科學剖析。

This culture can be led only by the culture and ideology of the proletariat , by the ideology of communism , and not by the culture and ideology of any other class 這種文化,只能由無產階級的文化思想即共產主義思想去領導,任何別的階級的文化思想都是不能領導了的。

The chinese proletariat rapidly became an awakened and independent political force as a result of its maturing and of the influence of the russian revolution 這時,中國無產階級,由于自己的長成和俄國革命的影響,已經迅速地變成了一個覺悟了的獨立的政治力量了。

But while the principle remains the same , its application by the party of the proletariat finds expression in varying ways according to the varying conditions 但是在同一個原則下,就無產階級政黨在各種條件下執行這個原則的表現說來,則基于條件的不同而不一致。

Marxism - leninism - maoism is a unified science of social revolution of the proletariat , developed through the earth - shaking struggle of the masses 馬克思-列寧-毛/澤/東主義是一種無產階級社會革命的集成的科學,是從震撼世界的群眾斗爭中發展而來的。

An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of europe and america , and by historical science , in the death of this man 這位偉人的逝世不但使歐洲和美洲戰斗的無產階級蒙受了巨大損失,也給歷史科學帶來無可估量的損失。

Retrospecting the development process of chinese proletariat press cause , we need to survey its inherent news ideology and aesthetics spirit 摘要回顧中國無產階級新聞事業至今近百年的發展歷程,需要客觀審視其內在的新聞思想與美學精華。

Xiao chunv , one of the forerunner of the chinese proletariat ' s news aesthetics ideology , profits from the special social history environment 作為中國無產階級新聞美學思想的開創者之一,肖楚女得益于20世紀初期獨特的社會歷史環境。

He hoped , however , that the “ fortified villages ” held by the bourgeoisie would be swept away , one by one , by the “ iron broom of the proletariat ” 他相信,資產階級的“土圍子”最終會被“無產階級的鐵掃帚”一個一個地消滅。

There must be no revival of the chen tu - hsiu type of tailism , which is a reflection of bourgeois reformism in the ranks of the proletariat 陳獨秀尾巴主義的復活是不能容許的,這是資產階級改良主義在無產階級隊伍中的反映。

So political party of proletariat must delegate people ' s interests , political party of proletariat should stand the side of historical development 無產階級政黨要保持同歷史發展相一致,就必須始終代表人民群眾的利益。

1820 friedrich engels , close comrade - in - arms of karl marx , great leader of the world proletariat , was born at barmen 卡爾?馬克思的親密戰友、世界無產階級的偉大領袖弗里德里希?恩格斯誕生于巴門市。