
prohibitive adj.1.禁止的;禁止性的;抑制性的。2.(價格)非常...


The guide also discusses the purchasing behaviour of iranian importers . to circumvent prohibitive import restrictions , many iranian importers order their merchandise from dubai or other overseas countries shipping them back to iran via dubai 為規避伊朗嚴厲的進口管制,該國不少進口商都向迪拜采購產品,或者向其他海外國家購貨,然后經迪拜將產品運回。

This expense may or may not be acceptable to manufacturers , but it is prohibitive for the biologists , materials scientists , chemists and physicists who wish to explore nanoscience using structures of their own design 制造廠商或許能接受這種價錢,但對于想用自己的設計來探討奈米科學的生物學家、材料科學家、化學家及物理學家來說,這是沒法接受的。

After four years in office mr wen has yet to announce any ideas for addressing one of the public ' s biggest concerns , namely the prohibitive cost of medical treatment for many urban and rural residents 去年,政府對醫療保障的投入只占總支出的不到10 % ,在執政4年后,溫總理提到,不管在城市還是農村,公眾最關心的事情仍然還是飛速上漲的醫療費用。

Lou needed open heart surgery , which was very rare 30 years ago . it was often fatal , and the cost was prohibitive - 9 , 000 . that doesn t sound like much today as that cost would be more than 100 , 000 三十年前這些手術并不常見,當時或許手術會致命,但成本不高,大約是九千美元,這跟今天的情況很不同,今天大約要花十萬美元才能進行他要的手術。

If the animal speciman is like to be the general species , customs will allow to pass . if like to be prohibitive , must have the certificate which is proved by the nation managerment office 個人攜帶動物標本如屬一般的物種海關可以放行,如屬國家規定禁止進出境的瀕危物種,海關憑國家瀕危物種進出口管理辦公室出具的允許進出口的證明文件放行。

The above cargo was visually inspected or radiation detected according to chinese standard gb16487 - 2005 . no excess prohibitive materials or harmful substances were found during on - the - site inspection 根據中國國家標準gb16487 - 2005對上述貨物進行外觀檢驗或放射性探測,在現場檢驗過程中未發現禁止物或有害物質或放射性超過標準規定。

After four years in office mr wen has yet to announce any ideas for addressing one of the public ' s biggest concerns , namely the prohibitive cost of medical treatment for many urban and rural residents 溫家寶任總理4年之后,并未就處理公眾最大關注點之一宣布什么辦法,也就是說,對于多數城市與農村居民而言,醫療費用要價高昂。

In any event , dial - up solutions are being phased out in most companies due to the prohibitive costs of maintaining such modem banks for user access and long distance telephone charges 在多數情況下,撥號連接解決方案正在被淘汰,大多數公司由于成本不能維持如此多的等待用戶撥入的調制解調器組和長途電話費。

Unfortunately , the amount of code required to expose compound structures in open mbeans is prohibitive and only warranted if you require a sophisticated commercial management solution 不幸的是,在open mbean中開放復合結構所需要的代碼數量過多,只有在需要高級的商業管理解決方案時才合算。

For all these reasons and because the price of gasoline is still not prohibitive , the number of passengers using public transportation has fallen , adding to the deficits 所有這些理由加之汽油價格還沒有達到無人敢問津的程度,因此公交乘客數量已經下降,這使得公交部門的赤字問題更加嚴峻。

But then , if you looked at the rate of growth of fraud , you could see that , if you don t stop it , it would become 5 percent , 10 percent of the system , which would have been prohibitive 但是如果看到欺詐的增長率后,你會發現,如果你不阻止它,它會變成5 % , 10 % ,那是絕對不允許的。

It is widely acknowledged that the crimes of commissions are violations of prohibitive stipulations and genuine crime of omissions are violations of commanding stipulations 眾所周知,作為犯罪違反了刑法的禁止規范,純正不作為犯罪如拒不執行判決裁定罪等違反了刑法的命令規范。

There ' s only one glitch : for the moment the system is aimed at business customers and comes with a subscription of 9 . 99 pounds per month , possibly prohibitive for private mobile owners 唯一的缺點是:目前這個系統鎖定商業客戶,訂費每月9 . 99英鎊,可能讓私人手機用戶望之卻步。

Franchises offer a simple pre - packaged money making idea , but the cost of a franchise often makes it a prohibitive option to most folks who contemplate going out on their own 專利權提供簡單包裝賺錢理念但專利費用高昂往往使得大多數鄉親的人選擇外出自己

There is no messing about with radio - spectrum licences or digging up roads , and fso can also bypass prohibitive planning restrictions 另外,也用不著折騰申請無線電頻道許可證或者把道路挖開埋光纜,同時,無線光通信也能夠繞過禁止性的規劃限制。

Although laser printers provided a quality alternative , with a price starting atus $ 100 , 000 , the technology was simply too prohibitive 盡管激光打印機具有打印質量可選功能,但在起價為us $ 100 , 000的機型中,因機型太過簡單,并不提供該項技術。

Enterprises can opt to build these services into their applications from scratch , though the cost and time - to - deploy are often prohibitive 盡管需要抑制成本花費和部署時間,但是企業可以選擇從初始狀態將這些服務構建到他們的應用程序中。

Opaque references require remote calls to compare object identity reliably . for some applications , the overhead of these calls is prohibitive 不透明的對象引用要求遠程調用比較對象標識符。對許多應用來說,這些調用的負載是禁止的。

Today , the cost to u . s . companies and inventors of applying for and obtaining separate patents in individual countries is often prohibitive 式文件交換系統的出現,以及有組織犯罪活動的卷入,盜版活動上升的威脅日趨嚴重。