
progression n.1.前進,進行。2.〔罕用語〕進步,改進,發展;進展...


Research progression in functional dyspepsia 生脈飲質量標準研究

Y our web site - - for you , this is a natural progression 你的網站. . .對你而言,這是個自然的轉變

Progression of research of artificial radial head replacement 人工橈骨頭假體置換的臨床研究進展

- what ' s wrong with progression ? - nothing -進步難道有錯嗎? -沒有

Research progression of barrett ' s esophagus 食管的研究現狀與展望

Progression of equipments of powders surface modification in china 中國粉體表面改性設備的進展

A 10 - year longitudinal study of the progression of destructive 成年人牙周附著狀況十年縱向研究

Well , each chord progression is three steps apart 每個和弦有三拍

Discussion on methods to do the summation infinite progression 導數在無窮級數求和方法中的應用

On the speed of convergence and divergence of positive progressions 對正項級數斂散快慢的討論

Y our web site - for you , this is a natural progression 你的網站.對你而言,這是個自然的轉變

All - round way development of human beings and social progression 淺議人的全面發展與社會進步

Some exponential sums over primes in an arithmetic progression 算術級數中的一個指數和估計

Thematic progression in the translation of journalistic texts 主位推進模式與新聞語篇翻譯

I ' m a natural progression of the species 我是人類自然進化(的結果) 。

Describe the basic progression of the first flight tests 請描述一下首飛測試的基本過程。

How does one get to know the disease progression 怎樣知道病情的進展?

Research progression in blasting theory for fracture rock mass 裂隙巖體爆破理論研究進展

To me this move seemed like a natural progression 對我來說這次轉會就是一次正常的進步。